The TFGs will be delivered through Aula Global and the Turnitin tool will be used. Once they are delivered, the Tutor will issue a report (with a value of 30% of the final grade) in which the work done by the student will be assessed and the evaluation panel will make its own evaluation based on the defense made by the student. before the court in person (which will represent 70% of the final grade).
The evaluation of the Tutor and the Evaluating court is reflected in a Rubric (matrix) where the development of the work (tutor), the memory, the methodology and the defense (court) are evaluated.
There will be a single call per course with two Calls: one in July and another in September
If at the end of the second call you have not submitted the report, it will be understood that you are not going to make the presentation and, therefore, it will be classified as NOT PRESENTED, except in cases where the call waiver is appropriate.
The delivery of the report in one period or another will indicate the intention to present the TFG in said period, although the Student Office will verify that you meet the academic requirements for presentation.
With the delivery of the TFG through Aula Global, the evaluation process begins. Once delivered, the call cannot be canceled and the TFG will be evaluated.
For those who have applied and failed, there is the possibility of submitting their work again before the month of June of the following course, attending the early January-February call.
The University uses the Turnitin Feedback Studio program within Aula Global to deliver student work. This program compares the originality of the work submitted by each student with millions of electronic resources and detects those parts of the text that have been copied and pasted. If the student has correctly cited and referenced the documents used as sources, Turnitin will not mark them as plagiarism.