Checking date: 03/04/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Turism Sociology
Bachelor in Tourism (2008 Study Plan) (Plan: 152 - Estudio: 209)

Coordinating teacher: DIAZ GANDASEGUI, VICENTE

Department assigned to the subject: Social Analysis Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Knowledge of the social elements that have led to the emergence of tourism. Know the social development of tourism, as well as its characteristics in contemporary society. Know the social impacts caused by tourism, both in society and in the receiving stations. Ability to discern the impact of information technology and communication (ICT), in the trend of social development of tourism. Ability to differentiate the social processes that influence tourists motivations. Ability to apply basic methods and techniques for social analysis of tourism. Learn about the social trends of tourism.
Description of contents: programme
1) Leisure and tourism in sociology: a) Definitions of leisure and tourism b) The social history of tourism c) Theories in sociological analysis of tourism 2) Social elements in the emergence of tourism: a) Technological innovations b) Cultural values c) Urban development 3) Social evolution of tourism: a) The industrial society b) The Company Fordist c) Post-industrial society 4) The mass tourism: a) Subject tourism assets b) Mechanisms of social production of tourism c) Supply and demand d) The Spanish case 5) Tourism and development (migration, employment, culture and population): a) Tourism development as a social fact b) Social impacts of tourism on societies receiving c) Social impacts of tourism on the issuing companies. 6) Sociological analysis of the motivations of tourists: a) Motivation b) The tourist experience 7) The tourist attractions: a) Sources b) The appearance of tourist sites c) Transformation d) The invention and tourist attractions e) The handling of tourist sites 8) The other passenger: a) The gender dimension: sex tourism b) Religious tourism c) Tourism Event d) Tourism and ethnicity e) Other types of tourism 9) Tourism in the twenty-first century: a) The new leisure society b) The "consumtraveler" and "hiperturism¿ c) Travel 2.0 d) Tourism and public safety e) Social trends of tourism 10) Social change and sustainable tourism development a) Social segmentation and market segmentation b) Tourism as an agent and patient of climate change c) Tourism and climate change
Learning activities and methodology
The theoretical part is specified in the monitoring of master classes taught by teachers, which will promote classroom discussion about the contents of the program, and develop the listed specific skills. The aim of the discussions is to get the students to be aware of these interactions (2 ECTS) The practical part of the course will be addressed to familiarize the students with the main sources of information on tourism in order to promote their autonomous search capability, and the development of reports to collect and summarize different aspects of the tourist activity. (2 ECTS) The individual student work: the study of the subject, attending tutorials, consulting texts from the library, and the exams (2 ECTS)
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 50
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 50

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • Amat Llombart, Pablo y Ramón Fernández, Francisca. . Curso de sociología del turismo y del ocio.. Tirant Lo Blanch. Valencia . 2004.
  • Antón Clavé, Salvador; González Reverté, Francesc, . A propósito del turismo. La construcción social del espacio turístico,. UOC, Barcelona,. 2008.
  • De Kart, Emmanuel. . Turismo: ¿Pasaporte al desarrollo?. Endymion. Madrid. (1991).
  • Fayos-Solá, Eduardo y Jafari, Jafar (coord.). . Cambio climático y turismo: Realidad y ficción.. Publicacions de la Universitat de València. Valencia . 2009.
  • Ferrari, Guido et al. . Investigaciones, métodos y análisis del turismo . Septem, Oviedo,. 2010
  • Giddens, Anthony: . Sociología. . Quinta edición. Alianza Editorial.. (2007).
  • Gutierrez Brito, Jesús (coordinador):. La investigación social del turismo. Perspectivas y aplicaciones. . Thomson. Madrid. (2007).
  • Jurdao, Francisco. . Los mitos del turismo. . Endymion. Madrid . (1992).
  • Martínez Quintana, Violante: . Ocio y turismo en la sociedad actual: los viajes, el tiempo libre y el entretenimiento en el mundo globalizado. . McGraw Hill.. Madrid (2006).
  • Martínez Villa, Alberto. . Turismo 2.0. . Septem, Oviedo,. 2010
  • Mazón, Tomás: . Sociología del turismo. . Centro de Estudios Ramón Areces. Madrid . (2001).
  • Santana Turégano, Manuel Ángel y González Ramallal, Manuel E. . Manual de Sociología del Ocio Turístico . Septem, Oviedo, . 2009
  • Smith, Valene L. et al: . Anfitriones e invitados: Antropología del turismo. . Endymion. Madrid . (1989).
  • Turner, Louis y Ash, John.. La orda dorada. . Endymion. Madrid . (1991).
  • Urbain, Jean-Didier. . El idiota que viaja. . Endymion. Madrid . (1993).
  • Álvarez Sousa, Antonio. . El ocio turístico en las sociedades industriales avanzadas. Bosch, Barcelona,. 1944.

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.