Checking date: 27/04/2023

Course: 2023/2024

Markets Research and information sources for tourist sector
Bachelor in Tourism (Plan: 381 - Estudio: 209)

Coordinating teacher: CERVIÑO FERNANDEZ, JULIO

Department assigned to the subject: Business Administration Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
The main objective of this course is that student should acquire an adecuate understanding of the marketing research process and the different phases and thecniques to develop a market research project. To reach this objective, students must acquire different knowledge, capabilites and aptitudes. In regard to acquired knowledge, students at the end of the course should be capable of: - To know the major sources of information for market research in marketing. - To understand the market research process from the first set of objetives to the end of the final market research report. - To identify the best market research approach and study that is the most appropiate for the proposed objectives. - To analyze and evaluate the statistical thecniques most appropiate for the research project. - To summarize in a market research report the qualitative and quantitative information derived from the market research program. In regard to the specific capabilities, at the end of the course, the student should be able to: - To design and implement a market research project. - To apply the necessary statistical techniques to each project and type of reserch proposal. - To write a final market research report with the necessary information, including the technical information and conclusions. In regard to general capabilities, during the course work, they should be focused on: - To develop the capability to search for the necessary secondary information to rearch the proposed objetives. - To develop the capability to design the proper research proposal and establish the appropiate techniques and methodologies. - To be able to develop skills to teamwork, with group presentations of a selected market research. - To develop skills to summarize the market research findings and conclusions in a final document, that should be presented at the end of the semester. - Skills and capabilites to develop a good diagnosis to the situations as well as recommendations for actions to be taken in terms of commercial and marketing activities for companies and institutions. In regard to aptitudes, once the course is finished, the student should: - Be creative in regard to recommendations and marketing actions to be taken based on the market research outcomes. - Have a ethical and responsable behaviour with his/her class colleagues, and specially, with his/her work group.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
1. Fundamentals of Market research. 2. Different phases of a Market research project. 3. Sources of information: General and specific (tourism) secondary sources of information. 4. Primary sources of informatio: Qualitative methdologies a. Qualitative vs Quantitative methodology. b. Reflexiones sobre las tendencias de la IM en el mercado actual. c. Técnicas Cualitativas Directas: Entrevista en profundidad y Focus groups. d. Técnicas Cualitativas Indirectas: Observación y Mystery Shopper. e. Experimental methods. f. Metodología del análisis cualitativo: análisis de contenido. 5. Primary sources of information: Quantitative methodologies and research a. Técnicas Cuantitativas: tipos de encuestas, investigación por suscripción, investigación y nuevas herramientas ¿on line¿. b. Types of studies. c. Sampling: sample selection, types of probabilistic and non probabilistic samples d. Questionnaire design 6. Methodology for quantitative analysis: Statistical analysis using SPSS software programme. a. Análisis univariante de los datos con SPSS b. Análisis bivariante de los datos con SPSS c. Análisis multivariante de los datos con SPSS 7. Final research written document and its presentation
Learning activities and methodology
During the course, students will participate to both theory lectures and practice sessions (based on case study discussions, problem sets solving and use of software packages at computer lab), whose aim is that of transferring conceptual and methodological knowledge. In order to improve their personal capabilities, students will participate in a teamwork experience (each team being composed by three to four members), by which all steps of a marketing research study are performed. At the beginning of the course, each team will receive a firms marketing problem to face. Accordingly, students will have to: a) identify the objective of the marketing research study; b) design the most appropriate methodology; c) collect and analyze data; and, d) draw conclusions and present results of the study. For each step, a report has to be submitted to the course lecturer. Finally, at the end of the course, each team is expected to make a short presentation of obtained results to a (theoretical) audience composed of corporate executives.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 60
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 40

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Basic Bibliography
  • HAIR, J.F.; BUSH, R.P.; ORTINAU, D.J.. Marketing Research: Within a Changing Information Environment. McGraw Hill. 2004.
  • Kotler, P.;BOWEN y MAKENS. Mercadotecnia para Turismo y Hostelería.. Prentice Hall. 1997
  • MALHOTRA, N.. Marketing Research: An applied Orientation. Prentice Hall. 5ª Ed. 2006.
Additional Bibliography
  • AZOFRA, M.J.. Cuestionarios. Cuadernos Metodológicos.. CIS. Madrid. 1999
  • CHISNALL, PETER. La Esencia de la Investigación de Mercados. . Prentice Hall. 1996
  • DILLON, W. R.; MADDEN, T. J.; FIRTLE, N.. La Investigación de Mercados en un Entorno de Marketing. Irwin. Madrid. 4ª edición. 1997.
  • FERNÁNDEZ MORALES, A. y LACOMBA ARIAS, B. . Estadística Básica para el Turismo. Teoría y ejercicios resueltos.. Ágora. 2000
  • PEDRET, FRANCESC CAMP, R. Y SAGNIER, L. . La Investigación Comercial como Soporte del Marketing. . Editorial Colección Management Deusto, Barcelona. 2007
  • PEÑA, D.. Análisis de Datos Multivariantes. McGraw Hill. 2002.

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.