Checking date: 09/07/2020

Course: 2020/2021

Collaborative Tourism Strategies
Bachelor in Tourism (Plan: 381 - Estudio: 209)

Coordinating teacher: NIETO SANCHEZ, MARIA JESUS

Department assigned to the subject: Mechanical Engineering Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


The competences associated to the subject are: CG2: Know to apply the technical and methodological knowledge related to tourism to their work in a professional way, integrating the knowledge acquired in the different disciplines studied, and possess the skills that must be demonstrated through the elaboration and defense of arguments and the resolution of problems within their subject of study. CE4: Understand the relationship between economy and society in a world strongly conditioned by technological progress and climate change, with the aim of developing tourism activities that contribute to sustainability. CE10: Develop entrepreneurial initiatives and creative capacities for the proposal and development of innovative business ideas, using the main tools to create, develop and implement an innovative business that meets the challenges of today's societies CE13: Learn to collect, process, analyze and interpret information and deal with tourism issues through knowledge of the peculiarities of the tourism market (national or international) to which the activity is directed, appropriately managing resources and using the technologies of Information and communication (ICT) to implement practices with quality and in a sustainable manner. CE16: Understand and analyze the different business strategies, at a competitive and corporate level, and be able to plan and develop business activities at international level creating value and improving the competitiveness of tourism businesses. The learning objectives are the following: LO1: Acquire advanced knowledge and demonstrated an understanding of the theoretical and practical aspects and the methodology of work in the different disciplines of study in the tourism field with a depth that reaches the forefront of knowledge LO2: Apply the knowledge acquired, the understanding of these and their abilities to solve complex and / or specialized problems in the professional field LO3: Ability to collect and interpret data and information on which to base their conclusions, including, when necessary and pertinent, reflection on social, scientific or ethical issues within the scope of their field of study; LO4: Be able to cope with complex situations or require the development of new solutions in the academic, work or professional field within their field of study;
Description of contents: programme
Tourism and collaborative economy: opportunities and challenges Collaborative economy: alternatives to traditional consumption New tourist experiences Types of collaborative tourism activities Communication platforms for collaborative tourism applications
Learning activities and methodology
Lectures, practical sessions, discussion of case studies, team projects
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 50
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 50

Basic Bibliography
  • Dredge, Dianne, Gyimóthy, Szilvia (eds). Collaborative Economy and Tourism. Springer. 2017
Additional Bibliography
  • Brown, B., Chalmers, M. and MacColl, I. Exploring tourism as a collaborative activity. Glasgow University. 2012

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.