Checking date: 27/04/2017

Course: 2018/2019

Geography of contemporary world
Bachelor in Tourism (2008 Study Plan) (Plan: 152 - Estudio: 209)

Coordinating teacher: GAMIR ORUETA, AGUSTIN

Department assigned to the subject: Humanities: History, Geography and Art Department

Type: Basic Core
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Branch of knowledge: Social Sciences and Law

- Know, understand and interpret the territory. - Understand the interrelationships between the physical and human societies. - Understand the environment as a resource, and interpret the action of man on the geographical environment. - Learn about the diversity of places, regions and landscapes. Skills: - Locate and manage geographic information analysis tool for land and tourism. - Ability to analyze the interrelationships between the physical and human societies and their distribution in the Earth's surface. - Ability to link the events and processes at different geographical scales. - Understanding of spatial relationships - Analyze and interpret the landscape - Interpretation and implementation of mapping Attitudes: - A globalizing attitude which allows to link events of various kinds, and to understand the multiple causes of social realities. - An honest attitude and scientific management that enables the interpretation and production of information accurately and objectively. - A participatory approach, which allows, through direct contact with the area to observe, recognize and interpret them directly in the events and processes. - A critical, committed and responsible, allowing awareness of the risks and consequences of certain actions on the territory, promoting social justice and practices or strategies for sustainable development.
Description of contents: programme
Basic training course which provides students with a summary overview of the key issues addressed by geography: the relationship between man and the environment and the analysis of how these relationships are divided into different land surface. They also provide essential techniques for obtaining, processing and interpretation of geographic information. 1. Introduction: geography and interpreting the world. 2. Relations between society and geographical environment. 3. Introduction to Climatology 4. Rural areas. 5. Urban spaces 6. Networks and transportation and communication systems. 7. The geographical dimension of globalization. 8. The major regional groupings in the world. 9. Territory and culture. 10. Processes and territorial conflicts.
Learning activities and methodology
The formative activities of the course include: - Contact classes of theoretical and lecture (3 ECTS, including the estimated time for the final exam) - Attendance of practical classes (2 ECTS). - Creation of works (1 ECTS).
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 0
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 100

Basic Bibliography
  • AGUILERA ARILLA, M.J. et al. (1993):. "Ejercicios prácticos de Geografía Humana". UNED, Madrid.
  • AGUILERA ARILLA, M.J. et al. (1993):. "Ejercicios prácticos de Geografía Humana". UNED, Madrid.
  • BLIJ, H.D. y MULLER, P.O. (2002). "Geography, realms, regions and concepts". John Wiley, Nueva York.
  • BLIJ, H.D. y MURPHY, A. y FOUBERG, E. (2006). "Human Geography: people, place and culture". John Wiley, Nueva York.
  • BLIJ, H.D. y MURPHY, A. y FOUBERG, E. (2006). "Human Geography: people, place and culture". John Wiley, Nueva York.
  • CHARVIET, J.P.y SIVIGNON, M.(dirs.) (2002). "Géographie Humaine. Questions du monde contemporain". Armand Colin, París.
  • CHARVIET, J.P.y SIVIGNON, M.(dirs.) (2002). "Géographie Humaine. Questions du monde contemporain". Armand Colin, París.
  • GUILLON, M. y SZTOKMAN, N. (2000):. "Géographie mondiale de la population". Ellipses, Paris.
  • GUILLON, M. y SZTOKMAN, N. (2000):. "Géographie mondiale de la population". Ellipses, Paris.
  • HAGGET, P. (1988):. "Geografía. Una síntesis moderna". Omega, Barcelona.
  • HAGGET, P. (1988):. "Geografía. Una síntesis moderna". Omega, Barcelona.
  • JOHNSTON, R.J. et al.(eds.) (2000):. "The dictionary of Human Geography". Blackwell, Oxford.
  • JOHNSTON, R.J. et al.(eds.) (2000):. "The dictionary of Human Geography". Blackwell, Oxford.
  • KNOX, P.. AGNEW, J. y McCARTHY, L. (2003):. "The Geography of the world economy". Arnold, Londres.
  • KNOX, P.. AGNEW, J. y McCARTHY, L. (2003):. "The Geography of the world economy". Arnold, Londres.
  • LE MONDE DIPLOMATIQUE (varios años). "El Atlas de Le Monde Diplomatique". Cybermonde, Valencia.
  • LE MONDE DIPLOMATIQUE (varios años). "El Atlas de Le Monde Diplomatique". Cybermonde, Valencia.
  • MERLIN, PIERRE (1997). "Géographie Humaine". P.U.F., París.
  • MERLIN, PIERRE (1997). "Géographie Humaine". P.U.F., París.
  • MÉNDEZ, R. Y MOLINERO, F. (1994). "Espacios y sociedades. Introducción a la Geografía Regional del mundo". Ariel, Barcelona.
  • MÉNDEZ, R. Y MOLINERO, F. (1994). "Espacios y sociedades. Introducción a la Geografía Regional del mundo". Ariel, Barcelona.
  • PINCHEMEL, P. (1997):. "La face de la Terre. Élements de Géographie". Armand Colin, París.
  • PINCHEMEL, P. (1997):. "La face de la Terre. Élements de Géographie". Armand Colin, París.
  • PUYOL, R.; ESTÉBANEZ, J. y MÉNDEZ, R.(1995):. "Geografía Humana". Cátedra, Madrid.
  • PUYOL, R.; ESTÉBANEZ, J. y MÉNDEZ, R.(1995):. "Geografía Humana". Cátedra, Madrid.
  • ROMERO, J. (Coord) (2004):. Geografía Humana. Ariel, Barcelona.

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.