Checking date: 17/05/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Sociology of climate change
Bachelor in Sociology (Plan: 402 - Estudio: 208)

Coordinating teacher: OSES BERMEJO, JOSE JUAN

Department assigned to the subject: Social Analysis Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


A) The student will learn about the empirical data and the most current and relevant analysis of scientific research on climate change and its link to social systems, which will enable him or her to develop critical thinking. B) He or she will obtain awareness of the societies performance effect (particularly in industrialized societies) on the climate, which will enable the student to develop an ethical commitment. C) Then, the student will understand the interrelationship between the environment and humans, patterns of consumption and production, and the current climate evolution, all of which will enable the student to manage information and to recognize the global and the local social phenomena. D) The student will learn and apply different types of concrete action against climate change, at individual and national and international level. The student will be able to distinguish between appropriate and less appropriate actions implemented in real life, which will enable the student to develop critical thinking, decision making and problem solving. E) The student will learn to synthesize the readings and properly communicate them in writing and oral presentations.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
A) This block focuses on the description of the problem of climate change, based on scientific references (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IPCC). LESSON 1. What is Climate Change as a Planetary Global Change? LESSON 2. Evidences of Climate Change: increase in temperature; melting of the poles; Rising sea levels. Projections of evolution according to different scenarios: 1 strong mitigation; 2 intermediates; 1 with high emissions. B) The anthropogenic causes of Climate Change. LESSON 3. The greenhouse gases. LESSON 4. The causes: the size of the population; the economic activity; the use of energy (fossils: gas, oil, coal, the consumer lifestyle, land use models). C) The social impact and consequences of climate change. LESSON 5. Impacts and consequences for rich countries and for poor countries. D) What are we doing?. Policies to combat climate change LESSON 6. The Framework Convention on Climate Change of the United Nations. The Kyoto Protocol, The case of Spain. The Paris COP21 agreements. The case of Spain. LESSON 7. The instruments to combat Climate Change: the Carbon Emission Trading (Carbon Market); the Joint Implementation Mechanism; the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) The Green Fund. Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change. E) The awareness of societies on Climate Change. LESSON 8. Public opinion. Ecological movements and political parties. The universities. Social instruments to fight against Climate Change: Information, Communication, Training, Participation.
Learning activities and methodology
Theory lectures (2 credits ECTS): lectures SYNCHRONOUS ONLINE by the professor about the theoretical content of the course , using the tools that facilitate exposure (transparencies, light cannon), ensuring time for students questions. Practical lessons in the classroom or computer lab (2 credits ECTS), in the form of exercises linked to the theoretical lectures, to be discussed collectively by teachers and students, using computers, movies, documents, newspaper articles, among others. Readings (2 ECTS) indicated by the teacher, distinguishing between mandatory and complementary, and done individually by each student. The student will present a brief individual analysis on each of the required readings before each relevant item.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 55
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 45

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • Erik M. Conway, Naomi Oreskes. Mercaderes de la duda Cómo un puñado de científicos ocultaron la verdad sobre el calentamiento global . Capitán Swing.
  • Héctor Tejero, Emilio Santiago. ¿Qué hacer en caso de incendio? Manifiesto por el Green New Deal . Capitán Swing. 2019
  • Panel Intergubernamental sobre Cambio Climático. Cambio Climático. Documento de Síntesis. IPCC 2014
  • Pardo, Mercedes; Jordi, Ortega. . El Impacto Social del Cambio Climático. La Metamorfosis Social como ventana de oportunidad. Universidad de Comillas. 2018
Recursos electrónicosElectronic Resources *
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The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.