The Bachelor Degree Thesis will provide the student with:
- S/He will put into practice the theoretical, methodological and technical knowledge, as well as the instrumental skills acquired during their degree studies
- S/He will review and synthesise the scientific literature appropriate to their object of study
- S/He will be able to clearly state targets and hypotheses and consistenly structure a research piece of work
- S/He will become familiar with the relevant argumentation and theories and adapt them to the purpose of their research
- S/He will display ability to only use sources and resources recognized by the scientific community and quote them rigorously
- S/He will acquire practical experience in the use of research methods
- S/He will transmit clearly relevant findings
- S/He will be able to explain and defend the reasons for the choice of a particular research topic, the structure of the research, the use of soruces, the relevant findings and the main conclusions.