- To introduce the subject and link with previous subject ¿Development Evaluation of Programmes and Organizations¿.
-Operationalization: from questions or criteria to indicators. Identification of indicators and standards. Indicators reordered and ad hoc. Different ways to fix standards.
- To introduce techniques: surveys, secondary sources, observation, interview, focus group, life history other groups techniques and product and visual analysis and big data.
- Impact Evaluation Design. To estimate effect. Attribution and contribution.
* Randomized models: difference of differences, quasi-experimental: identification of comparison groups: PSM, time series, regression discontinuity and non-experimental models.
* Statistical modelling: control of the third intervening variable (trivariate tables, standardization, averaged means). Multivariate analysis: multiple regression.
- Data analysis:
* Quantitative. Bivariate data mining: crosstabs, comparison of means, ANOVA and correlation. Multivariate data mining: multivariate regression.
* Qualitative: discourse analysis and content analysis (Word cloud and big data...).
* Mixed methods.
- Interpretation. How to produce a data interpretation based in systematic approach or driven by program theory.
- Possible analyzes in evaluation, methods and the correspondence with purposes: enlightenment, improvement and accountability.