Checking date: 12/04/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Development of program and organizational evaluation
Bachelor in Sociology (Plan: 402 - Estudio: 208)

Coordinating teacher: AGULLO TOMAS, MARIA SILVERIA

Department assigned to the subject: Social Analysis Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
There are not requirements.
Knowledge: - And skills to plan and develop applied research in different areas of society. - And domain of social science methodology and its basic and advanced techniques of social research. - And technical skills for the production and analysis of quantitative and qualitative data. Capacities: - To link knowledge of sociology and related sciences. - To adapt the goals to financial and human resources. - To evaluate the projects of public policies, social intervention and its results. - To evaluate the costs and social benefits. - To contribute to the design of public policies to address social problems. - To establish, to develop and to implement programmes and projects of social intervention. - Analysis and synthesis - Management of information. - Organization and planning. Skills: - Development of organizations (consulting, design and management of organizations and institutions). - Ethical commitment. - Team and interdisciplinary work - Decision Making
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
To link the contents of the course whit the previous subject " Introduction to the evaluation of programs and organizations . To indentify and definition the object or unit of evaluation. Delimit of the object - "evaluand" - and to understand of program through different perspectives: 1. Result (Logical Framework). Critics and difficulties in define program goals. Goals-free evaluation and discussion about corrective mechanisms. 2. Process (process map and flowchart), 3. structural elements and 4. change theory (program and implementation theory). To identify logic models: Wisconsin, Kellogs, EFQM, Evaluative Approaches. To drawn information needs and questions: 1) stakeholders perspective (pluralism) 2) Theory-driven evaluation. 3) Final summative judge. To extract informatives questions: Operationalization: of dimensions, criteria, questions and indicators. Definition of the evaluation matrix
Learning activities and methodology
- Teacher explanation of the contents with the active participation of students through dynamic and workshops. This method relate primarily to the acquisition of knowledge and abilities. The students work whit a brief handbooks. These tasks are estimated in 3 ECTS. - The students development a evaluation design. It involves study the object, carry out a little field work, to connect whit organizations (real or supposed). The design can be done in small teams. This task has a value of 2 ECTS. - Specific workshop (planning outcomes, processes and operationalization). The workshop is conducting mainly with the assistance of the teacher in class time. This task is estimated in 1 ECTS. - Individuals or group tutorials. The teacher gives support trough individuals o groups interviews.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 10
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 90

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • Alkin, M. (2011),. Evaluation Essensials. . New York: The Guilford press (How do you Understand the Program). .
  • Greene, J. (2006),. Evaluation, democracy, and social change in Shaw, I. Greene, J. and Mark, M. (2006) Handbook of evaluation.. Sage..
  • JCyL. Consejería de Educación y Cultura.. Trabajando con los procesos: guía para la gestión de procesos. . Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo.. 2004
  • Ligero y otros (2020),. Rayuela: un ejercicio de reflexión y comprobación para hacer una evaluación consciente. . Madrid: Means. .
  • Ligero, J.A.. Dos métodos de evaluación: criterios y teoría del programa.. Madrid: CECOD. 2011
  • Ligero, J.A. (2017),. Dos métodos de evaluación: criterios y teoría del programa. En Feinstein, y otros. La evaluación de políticas. Fundamentos conceptuales y analíticos. . Buenos Aires: CAF. (
  • Ligero, J.A. y otras (2010),. Análisis de los objetos evaluados en España: la evaluación y las limitaciones de las políticas sociales en SEE ¿valuación. . Revista de la Sociedad Española de Evaluación nº 13
  • Ligero, J.A: y otros (2010),. Evaluación programa Sales Hoy. . Cruz Roja Española Comunidad de Madrid.ón_SALES_HOY.
  • Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores. Metodología de Evaluación de la Cooperación Española. . Madrid: MAE, Secretaría de Estado para la Cooperación Internacional y para Iberoamérica.. 1998
  • Monnier, E. (1992),. Evaluación de la Acción de los Poderes Públicos (capítulo 4).. Madrid: Instituto de Estudios Fiscales.
  • NORAD. El enfoque del Marco Lógico. Manual para la planificación de proyectos orientada mediante objetivos. . Madrid: IUDC, CEDEAl. 1990
  • Patton, M.Q. (2002),. Feminist, Yes, But is it Evaluation? In D. Seigart and S. Brisolara, Feminist Evaluation: Explorations and Experiences. New Directions for Evaluation No. 96.. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. .
  • W.K. Kellogg Foundation,. Logic Model Development Guide.
  • Weiss, C. (1998). . Evaluation.. New Jersey: Prentice¿Hall. (Chapter: Understanding the program). .
Additional Bibliography
  • Madaus, G.F., Michael S. Scriven, Daniel L. Stufflebeam (eds.) (1993),. Evaluation models: viewpoints on educational and human services evaluation.. Boston etc. : Kluwer-Nijhoff..
  • Monnier, E. (1995),. Evaluacio¿n de la accio¿n de los poderes pu¿blicos. . Madrid : Ministerio de Economi¿a y Hacienda, Instituto de Estudios Fiscales. .
  • Stufflebeam, D.L. (2001), . Evaluation Models: New Directions for Evaluation.. San Francisco California: Jossey-Bassx..
  • Weiss, C.H. (1998),. Evaluation: methods for studying programs and policies.. New Jersey: Prentice Hall..

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.