Checking date: 16/03/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Contemporary History
Bachelor in Sociology (Plan: 402 - Estudio: 208)

Coordinating teacher: AROCA MOHEDANO, MANUELA

Department assigned to the subject: Humanities: History, Geography and Art Department

Type: Basic Core
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Branch of knowledge: Social Sciences and Law

Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
General knowledge of the historical context that will be studied -from 1900 to the present- is recommended to meet this course. To reinforce this knowledge you can review some manual as " El Mundo Actual. Manual de Historia Universal" de Javier Tusell.
The formation of the student in History not only is focused in the acquisition of certain knowledge; also it is necessary this study because the student acquires intellectual habits as they are the critic and synthesis capacity. These capacities are essential to understand and to interpret the past in general and, particularly, the social, political, economic and cultural behaviours of the different social groups.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
I. Contemporary History II. The beginning of the 20th century: the total war and the social revolution. III. The Great Depression. IV. Authoritarianism and right-wing. V. Approaching the Second World War VI. Cold War, 1945-1990 VII. The 90s The prelude to another era VIII. The new international order
Learning activities and methodology
1. Skillful classes Basic knowledge on the world-wide History of the 19 th and 20th century. Two sessions in odd weeks. 2. Practical exercises Analysis and commentary of: a) Relevant documents like texts, maps or graphs (with a script or guideline provided by the teacher); b) Films (documentary, or fiction more or less contemporary to the facts). Two sessions in even weeks. 3. Student work: Attendance to class and resolution of the practices. Elaboration of a final work on bibliography or literature of that time. Preparation of the subject and final exam In this subject, students must not use artificial intelligence tools to carry out the work or exercises proposed by the teacher. In the event that the use of AI by the student gives rise to academic fraud by falsifying the results of an exam or work required to accredit academic performance, the provisions of the Regulations of the Carlos III University of Madrid will apply. partial development of Law 3/2022, of February 24, on university coexistence.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 50
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 50

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • ARÓSTEGUI, Julio, BUCHRUCKER, Cristian y SABORIDO Jorge (dirs.), . El mundo contemporáneo: Historia y problemas, . Barcelona, Crítica, . 2001.
  • BAHAMONDE, Ángel y Ramón VILLARES, . El mundo contemporáneo: siglos XIX y XX, . Madrid, Santillana, . 2001.
  • BENZ, W. y GRAML, H.,. El Siglo XX. Europa después de la segunda guerra mundial, 1945-1982, . Madrid, Siglo XXI, . 1986, 2 vols. (Col. Historia Universal Siglo XXI, nºs 35/1 y 2).
  • BENZ, W. y GRAML, H., . El Siglo XX. Problemas mundiales entre los dos bloques de poder, . Madrid, Siglo XXI, . 1982 (Col. Historia Universal Siglo XXI, nº 36).
  • HOBSBAWM, Eric J.,. La era del capitalismo, 1848-1875,. Barcelona, Crítica, . 2004.
  • HOBSBAWM, Eric J., . La era de la revolución, 1789-1848, . Barcelona, Crítica, . 2001.
  • HOBSBAWM, Eric J., . La era del imperio, 1875-1914, . Barcelona, Crítica, . 2005.
  • HOBSBAWM, Eric J., . Historia del siglo XX, 1914-1991, . Barcelona, Crítica/Grijalbo/Mondadori, . 1994.
  • LACOMBA, J.A. y otros. Historia Contemporánea, . Madrid, Alhambra, . 1982, 2 vols.
  • MANN, G. y HEUSS, A. (dirs.), . Historia Universal, vol. VIII. El Siglo XIX, . Madrid, Espasa-Calpe,. 1985, 2 vols.
  • MANN, G. y HEUSS, A. (dirs.), . Historia Universal, vol. IX. El Siglo XX, . Madrid, Espasa-Calpe, . 1986, 2 vols.
  • MANN, G. y HEUSS, A. (dirs.), . Historia Universal, vol. X. El mundo de hoy, . Madrid, Espasa-Calpe, . 1987, 2 vols.
  • MARTÍNEZ CARRERAS, J.U.,. Introducción a la Historia Contemporánea,. Madrid, Istmo, . 1983, 2 vols.
  • MOMMSEN, W.J., . La época del imperialismo. Europa, 1885-1918, . Madrid, Siglo XXI, . 1980 (Col. Historia Universal Siglo XXI, nº 28).
  • PALMER, R. y COLTON, J., . Historia Contemporánea, . Madrid, Akal, . 1980.
  • PARKER, R.A.C., . El siglo XX. Europa, 1918-1945, . Madrid, Siglo XXI,. 1980 (Col. Historia Universal Siglo XXI, nº 34).
  • RENOUVIN, P., . Historia de las relaciones internacionales (siglos XIX-XX), . Madrid, Akal, . 1980.
  • ROBERTS, J.M., . Europa desde 1880 hasta 1945, . Madrid, Aguilar, . 1980.
  • STONE, Norman, . La Europa transformada, 1878-1919, . Madrid, Siglo XXI, . 1985.
  • SÁNCHEZ PÉREZ, Francisco, . Historia del mundo contemporáneo, . Oxford University Press, . 2008.
  • VV.AA.,. Siglo XX. Historia Universal, . Madrid, Historia 16, . 36 vols.
  • WISKEMANN, E., . La Europa de los dictadores, 1919-1945, . Madrid, Siglo XXI, . 1983.

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.