Checking date: 22/11/2023

Course: 2023/2024

Urban Sociology
Bachelor in Sociology (Study Plan 2018) (Plan: 402 - Estudio: 208)


Department assigned to the subject: Social Analysis Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
Introduction to Sociology Social research methods
Skills acquisition General: - Ability for analysis and synthesis - Critical thinking - Capacity to recognize the complexity of social phenomena - Ability to both contextualise social phenomena and identify the key players of any situation - Knowledge of social research methods Specific: - Knowledge of the historical development of European urban areas - Ability to analyse urban socio-spatial processes - Capacity to link urban phenomena with broader social processes - Ability to identify urban dynamics of conflict - Capacity for the implementation of the performance of different phases of a social research project located in an urban setting - Ability to contribute to the design of public policies to address specific problems of urban environments
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
URBAN SOCIOLOGY The unit focuses on the city as a social construction linking its multiple social relations with the spatial structure that supports them, without overlooking a broader view of the processes of urbanization and the consequent questioning of what is specifically urban. From this point of view the unit analyses the city as the spatial framework of urbanization processes but also as a place for people's encounter and the locus where economic and power games take place. The course looks at the theoretical reflection prompted by the urban experience from the origins of Sociology, providing at the same time with the conceptual elements necessary to explain both urban social change and trends of the city in the context of globalization and current political-economic trends. I. HISTORY OF THE EUROPEAN CITY 1. Evolution of the city (I) 2. Evolution of the city (II) II. THE CITY IN SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY 3. The city in classical sociological theory Friedrich Engels, Max Weber, George Simmel, The Chicago School 4. Urban theory in recent times Henri Lefebvre, Manuel Castells, David Harvey / Saskia Sassen III. THE URBANIZATION OF THE WORLD 5. Unsustainable growth and inequality in large cities Global urban population, megacities, peripheralization, suburban sprawl, spiral of poverty in cities of developing countries IV. DYNAMICS AND PROCESSES IN THE URBAN ARENA 6. Morphology of the city Urban elements: land, housing, public facilities, public space, elements of the urban image 7. Urban dynamics Diversity (Jane Jacobs), gentrification, neighbourhood effect, ghetto/hyperghetto V. URBAN POLITICS 8. Instruments of urban policy in Spain City planning , housing policies, the real estate crisis, the need for regulation. Gender and planning. The city of COVID-19. 9. Commodification of cities De-regulation, urban competition and their impact on urban policies. The abandonment of city planning
Learning activities and methodology
The programme will be developed through both theoretical lectures and practical lessons. The latter are thought to complement each of the subjects of the programme. They reinforce theory learning by using, analysing and criticising concepts but also comparing and relating them to the most relevant debates, discussions and lines of argumentation. The practical lessons will have different content and scope: methodological, workgroup, presentations, individual exercises based on texts or audiovisual material, etc. Students will form groups to carry out a research piece of work to be collectively presented in the last sessions of the course. Students will do an assessment test in the middle of the term.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 30
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 70

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Basic Bibliography
  • Lengermann, P. M.; Niebrugge, G.. The Women Founders: Sociology and Social Theory 1830-1930. Waveland Pr Inc . 2007
  • Ascher, F. . Los nuevos principios del urbanismo. Alianza. 2010
  • BENEVOLO, L.. Orígenes del urbanismo moderno. Blume. 1992
  • BETTIN, G.. Los sociólogos de la ciudad. Gustavo Gili. 1982
  • BORJA, J.. Luces y sombras del urbanismo en Barcelona. UOC. 2010
  • CAPEL, H.. La morfología de las ciudades. E. del Serbal. 2002
  • CASTELLS, M.. The urban question: a marxist approach. The MIT Press. 1979
  • CHINCHILLA, I.. La ciudad de los cuidados. Catarata. 2020
  • Durán, M. Angeles. La ciudad compartida: conocimiento, afecto y uso. Ediciones Sur. 2008
  • Francisco Javier Ullán de la Rosa. Sociología urbana: de Marx y Engels a las escuelas postmodernas. Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas. 2014
  • Gehl, Jan. Cities for people. Island Press. 2010
  • Gómez, M V y Álvarez, J. La supervivencia de las ideas desreguladoras tras la crisis económica. Urban, NS 06 pp. 37-51. 2013
  • HARVEY, D.. Social justice and the city. University of Georgia Press. 2009
  • HARVEY, D.. Spaces of global capitalism: towards a theory of uneven geographical development. Verso. 2006
  • HARVEY, D.. The urbanization of capital. The John Hopkins University Press. 1975
  • HEALEY, P.. Making better places. Palgrave Macmillan. 2010
  • Harding, Alan; Blokland, Talja. Urban theory. Sage. 2014
  • Harvey, David. Social justice and the city. University of Georgia Press. 2009
  • Harvey, David. Spaces of global capitalism: towards a theory of uneven geographical development. Verso. 2006
  • JACOBS, J.. The death and life of great american cities. Vintage. 1961
  • Klinenberg, Eric. Palaces for the people . Vintage. 2020
  • LEDRUT, R.. Sociología urbana. IEAL. 1976
  • LYNCH, K.. The image of the city. MIT Press. 1960
  • Las ciudades evanescentes. Ramón Lobo. Península. 2020
  • Lefebvre, Henri. The urban revolution . The University of Minnesota Press. 2003
  • Lefebvre, Henri. The production of space . Wiley-Blackwell. 1992
  • López, Jorge Dioni. El malestar de las ciudades . Arpa. 2023
  • MUMFORD, L.. The city in history: its origins, its transformations, and its prospects. Harvest. 1961
  • Mike Davis. Llega el monstruo. Capitan Swing. 2020
  • Porcel, Sergio. Desigualdad social y segregación residencial, una relación compleja. Foessa. 2020
  • RAPOPORT, A.. Human Aspects of Urban Form: Towards a Man-Environment Approach to Urban Form and Design. Pergamon Press. 1977
  • SASSEN, S.. The global city: New York, London, Tokyo. Princeton University Press. 1992
  • SAUNDERS, P.. Social theory and the urban question. Unwin Hyman. 1989
  • Schlichtman, John Joe; Patch, Jason; Lamont Hill, Marc. Gentrifier. University of Toronto Press. 2018
  • Sennett, Richard. Building and Dwelling. Allen Lane Penguin Random House. 2018
  • URRUTIA, V.. Para comprender qué es la ciudad. EDV. 1999
  • Ullán de la Rosa, F. J.. Sociología urbana: de Marx y Engels a las escuelas posmodernas. Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas. 2014
Additional Bibliography
  • AA.VV.. El malestar urbano en la gran ciudad. Talasa. 1998
  • ALGUACIL, J.. Calidad de vida y praxis urbana. CIS. 2000
  • BERMAN, M. . All that is solid melts into air. The experience of modernity. Penguin. 1988
  • BORJA, J.. El espacio público: ciudad y ciudadanía. Electa. 2000
  • Blokland, Talja. Community as urban practice . Polity Press. 2017
  • CACCIARI, M.. La ciudad. Gustavo Gili. 2010
  • CASTELLS, M.. The information age (Vol. 1). Wiley. 1996
  • CASTELLS, M. . Urban social movements. Macmillan Publishers Limited. 1986
  • CIFUENTES, M., CÓRDOBA, R., GÓMEZ, G. (coord.), HERNÁNDEZ, C., MONTES, M., RODRÍGUEZ, R., SEVILLA, A.. Propuestas para mejorar la calidad de vida en las ciudades. Documentos de Trabajo 140/2008 Fundación Alternativas. 2008
  • DELGADO, M.. Sociedades movedizas. Anagrama. 2007
  • DELGADO, M.. El espacio público como ideología . Catarata. 2011
  • DURÁN, M. A.. La ciudad compartida Conocimiento, afecto y uso. Consejo Superior de Arquitectos de España. 1998
  • De Santiago, E.. Una lectura de las políticas de suelo y los modelos urbanísticos madrileños desde mediados de los años 1990. Geopolítica(s) Vol. 3, 1, pp. 83-116. 2012
  • FARIÑA, J., NAREDO, J.M. (dir.). Libro Blanco de la sostenibilidad en el planeamiento urbanístico español. Ministerio de la Vivienda. 2010
  • GOTTDIENER, M.. The new urban sociology. McGraw Hill. 1994
  • Guibernau, Montserrat. Belonging: Solidarity and Division in Modern Societies. Polity Press. 2013
  • GÓMEZ, M. V.. La metamorfosis de la ciudad industrial Glasgow y Bilbao: dos ciudades con un mismo recorrido. Talasa. 2007
  • GÓMEZ, M. V.. La ciudad y la globalización. Sociedad y Utopía, Revista de Ciencias Sociales, 32, noviembre. 2008
  • GÓMEZ, M. V.. Reflective images: urban regeneration in Glasgow and Bilbao. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 22, 1. 1998
  • GÓMEZ, M. V. . El marketing urbano . Documentación Social, Revista de Estudios Sociales y de Sociología Aplicada, 119. 2000
  • GÓMEZ, M. V. . Cosmopolitanism vs identity and belonging? en Smagacz-Poziemska, M, Gómez, M. V., Pereira, P., Guarino, L., Kurtenbach, S. and Villalón, J. (eds) Inequality and uncertainty: current challenges for cities. Palgrave Macmillan. 2020
  • GÓMEZ, M. V. y KURONEN, M. . Interpreting vulnerabilities facing women in urban life: a case study in Madrid, Spain en Kuronen, M., Virokannas, E. y Salovaara, U. (eds) Women, Vulnerabilities and Welfare Service Systems. Routledge. 2020 (en prensa)
  • GÓMEZ, M.V.. Una mirada sociológica a la movilidad sostenible: género y exclusión social en Fortes, A. (dir) Movilidad urbana sostenible y acción administrativa Perspectiva social, estrategias jurídicas y políticas públicas en el medio urbano, pp. 497-523,. Thomson Reuters Aranzadi. 2019
  • HALL, P.. Cities of tomorrow: an intelectual history of urban planning and design in the twentieth century. Wiley-Blackwell. 2002
  • Izaskun Chinchilla. La ciudad de los cuidados. Catarata. 2020
  • KELLER, S.. The Urban Neighborhood: A Sociological Perspective. Random House. 1968
  • KOOLHAAS, R.. Generic City. Sikkens Foundation. 1995
  • KUURNE, K. y GÓMEZ, M. V. . Feeling at home in the neighbourhood: belonging, the house and the plaza in Helsinki and Madrid. City & Community, DOI: 10.1111/cico.12368. 2019
  • LEAL, J. y GÓMEZ, M. V.. El equipamiento en el Plan General de 1985. Una reflexión retrospectiva en Sambricio, C. and Ramos, P. (eds) El Urbanismo de la Transición. El Plan General de Ordenación Urbana de Madrid de 1985, pp. 166-181. Ayuntamiento de Madrid. 2019
  • LEFEBVRE, H.. The urban revolution. The University of Minnesota Press. 2003
  • NAREDO, J. M., MONTIEL, A.. El modelo inmobiliario español y su culminación en el caso valenciano. Icaria & Antrazyt. 2011
  • PARK, R. E.. The city. University of Chicago Press. 1968
  • Pablo Sendra, Richard Sennett. Diseñar el desorden . Alianza. 2021
  • SIMMEL, G. . The metropolis and mental life. Free Press. 1950
  • SUSSER, I. (ed.). The Castells reader on cities and social theory. Wiley-Blackwell. 2002
  • WEBER, M.. The city. Free Press. 1966
  • WIRTH, L.. Urbanism as a way of life. Irvington Pub. 1961

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.