Checking date: 11/05/2022

Course: 2023/2024

Society and the environment
Bachelor in Sociology (2008 Study Plan) (Plan: 151 - Estudio: 208)

Coordinating teacher: OSES BERMEJO, JOSE JUAN

Department assigned to the subject: Social Analysis Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


A) The students will learn in detail the current natural sciences knowledge on the subject of global environmental change. From there, they will understand the relationship between the conduct of human beings and the ecosystem, which will enable them to develop critical thinking and an ethical commitment. B) They will obtain knowledge and awareness to assess the effect of human actions on the environment, but also the environmental effects on the society and the economy. Such an interconnection will enable the students to manage information and to recognize the global and local social phenomena. C) They will base their knowledge in the theoretical study of the interaction between society and environment. D) They will know about the major challenges of human-ecosystem relationship, and how to interpreter them from a structured prospective. That will enable them to recognize the complexity of social phenomena. E) They will learn how to synthesize and analyze the course readings.
Description of contents: programme
LESSON 1. Socio-environmental problems I: global environmental change and climate change. Causes, impact, consequences, evolution, social perception, policies. LESSON 2. Socio-environmental problems II: Air, water and soil pollution. Causes, impact, consequences, evolution, social perception, policies. LESSON 3. Sustainable development: definition, development, policies. LESSON 4. Universities and Sustainable Development. LESSON 5. The social movements in relation to the environment: the ecologist movement, green parties. LESSON 6. Sociological theories on the environment: classical sociology Human Ecology; contemporary sociology (environmental sociology, biocentric perspectives, social ecology, ecofeminism, ecological modernization). LESSON 7. Socio-environmental problems III: the energy model. Causes, impact, consequences, evolution, perception, policies.
Learning activities and methodology
Lectures (2 ECTS credit ) for the theoretical parts of the subject, SYNCHRONOUS ONLINE , using the tools that facilitate the presentation (slides, barrel of light), allowing time to solve the students questions. Practical sessions in the classroom (2 ECTS credit) in the form of exercises linked to the theoretical contents, to be discussed collectively by the teacher and the students, using computers, movies, documents, newspaper articles and more. Readings (2 ECTS credit ) designated by the teacher, from the themes of the subject, distinguishing between required and complementary, and done individually by each student. The student will present a brief essay on each of the required readings before each theme. To prepare the subjects, the student must have read the required readers for the theory class according to the schedule, and shall submit a text of about 2-3 pages to the teacher at the beginning of the class. The essay will include the following: 1) Summary of the main points raised in the text (as synthetic entries) 2) Identification of the strengths (the contain and what is well articulated, and why); 3) Identification of weaknesses (what is missed / or not well developed, and why); 4) Other topics that the student wants to emphasize, and why. The topics will be discussed together in the classroom, as a seminar, directed by of the teacher.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 40
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 60
Calendar of Continuous assessment
Basic Bibliography
  • Andreas Malm. Capital fósil El auge del vapor y las raíces del calentamiento global . Capitán Swing.
  • GARCIA, E.. Medio Ambiente y Sociedad: La civilización industrial y los límites del Planeta. Alianza Editorial. 2004
  • Hector Tejero y Emilio Santiago. ¿Qué hacer en caso de incendio? Manifiesto por el Green New Deal . Capitán Swing. 2019
  • Hector Tejero y Emilio Santiago. ¿Qué hacer en caso de incendio? Manifiesto por el Green New Deal . Capitán Swing. 2019
  • JANE JACOBS. Muerte y vida de las grandes ciudades. Editorial: Capitán Swing - . 2011
  • RICH, NATHANIEL.. Perdiendo la Tierra. Capitán Swing.
  • Rachel Ignotofsky.. Los asombrosos trabajos del Planeta Tierra Entender nuestro mundo y sus ecosistemas .. Capitán Swing.
  • TEJERO, H.; SANTIAGO, E.. ¿Qué hacer en caso de incendio?. Capitán Swing.
  • TEMA 1: Pardo, M.. ¿Sociología y Medioambiente: Estado de la Cuestión". Revista Internacional de Sociología, (RIS), nº 19-20:329-367..
  • TEMA 1: Puleo, A.. ¿Feminismo y ecología¿.. El Ecologista, nº 31: 36-39 (2002).
  • TEMA 2: CE. Medio ambiente 2010. El Futuro está en nuestras manos. Programa de Acción Comunitaria en Materia de Medio Ambiente. CE.
  • TEMA 2: Pardo, M.. ¿El medioambiente como narrativa global: conceptualización y retos¿.. Gestión y Análisis de Políticas Públicas 28/29: 7-23 (2004).
  • TEMA 3. Arraiza, J.M., Pardo, M. et al.. "Un plan de ahorro energético para España". El País, edición del 14 de febrero de 2003..
  • TEMA 3: Arriaza, J.M., Pardo M. et al.. Luces y sombras en la energía nuclear y el desarrollo sostenible. Cinco Días, edición del 17 de julio de 2002.
  • TEMA 3: Ayala, F., Pardo, M. et al.. Hacia un modelo energético sostenible para España. Cinco Días, edición del 23 de mayo de 2002.
  • TEMA 4: Pardo, M.. ¿El impacto social del Cambio Climático¿.. Panorama Social, 5: 22-35. (2007).
  • TEMA 4: Pardo, M.. ¿Los desafíos del Cambio Climático¿.. Temas, 156: 33-36 (2007.
  • TEMA 5: Ferrer Carbonell. E. A. et. al.. Universidad y desarrollo sostenible. Revista Pedagogía Universitaria, 9,3: 86-95 (2004).
  • TEMA 5: Pardo, M.. La Universidad ¿cuál es su papel en el Desarrollo Sostenible?. Ponencia presentada al Congreso Nacional de Medioambiente (CONAMA) (2007).
  • TEMA 6: Ibarra, P.. ¿Qué son los movimientos sociales? En Anuario de Movimientos sociales. Una mirada sobre la red. Elena Grau y Pedro Ibarra (coord.). Icaria Editorial y Getiko Fundazioa. Barcelona, 2000. Pags. 9-26..
  • TEMA 6: Pardo, M.. ¿El análisis de la conciencia ecológica en la opinión pública: ¿contradicciones entre valores y comportamiento?¿, en Ricardo de Castro (coord.) Person. Sevilla: Junta de Andalucía. Págs. 71-82 (2006).
  • TEMA 7: López, Iván. La sostenibilidad y las dificultades para su articulación conceptual. En: Sociedad y Tecnología (eds. Pilar Nova y Julio A. del Pino). Madrid: Asociación Madrileña de Sociología. Págs: 151-157.
  • TEMA 7: ONU. Declaración de Johannesburgo sobre Desarrollo Sostenible.. ONU (2002).

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.