Checking date: 30/03/2023

Course: 2023/2024

Bachelor in Sociology (2008 Study Plan) (Plan: 151 - Estudio: 208)

Coordinating teacher: VELASCO DE DIEGO, MANUEL

Department assigned to the subject: Computer Science and Engineering Department

Type: Basic Core
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Branch of knowledge: Engineering and Architecture

This course aims to make students aware of the importance that the correct use of information technologies has for their professional future; in this course the student will acquire the knowledge to make a professional and productive use of two of technological tools used by professionals in the Social Sciences: the word processor and spreadsheet. After completing this course, students will be able to: - Make effective use of a word processor to create documents, avoiding redundancies and bad practices that result in low productivity due to ignorance of the proper use of these tools. - Make effective use of spreadsheets for automating the analysis of information-oriented decision making. - Addressing one of the main challenges of the new knowledge society, learning to work in teams using technology platforms for collaborative work assisted by computers..
Description of contents: programme
Program of the theoretical part of the subject is as follows: 1. Importance of Information and Comunications Technologies in the Knowledge Society. 2. Basic use of Microsoft Word text processor. 3. Intermediate and Advanced use of Microsoft Word text processor. 4. Basic use of Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. 5. Intermediate and Advanced use of Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. 6. Office Online applications for group collaboration.
Learning activities and methodology
This course is taught 100% practical, because without doubt the best way to learn to use a computer tool is through use. In all classes, both in theory and practice, students will always use a computer to reinforce learning about the use of the tools that are included in this course. The 6 ECTS credits of this course are distributed as follows: 1. Theory classes: 1 ECTS 2. Practice classes: 1 ECTS 3. Continuous evaluation: 1 ECTS 4. Individual work: 3 ECTS The assessment of this course will be conducted as follows: Continuous evaluation - Practical exercises (voluntarily). - Microsoft Word evaluation: 10% of final grade. - Microsoft Excel evaluation: 20% of final grade. - Collaboration with Google Drive evaluation: 10% of final grade. Final evaluation: 60% of final grade.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 40
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 60

Basic Bibliography
  • Herb Tyson.. Word 2010 Bible. . Ed. Wiley. 3ra. edición. 2010
  • Ian Lamont. Google Drive & Docs in 30 Minutes. Ed. The Digital Media Machine.. 2012
  • John Walkenbach. Excel 2010 Bible. Ed. Wuley. 2010

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.