Checking date: 20/04/2021

Course: 2021/2022

Fake news and economy
Bachelor in Sociology (Plan: 402 - Estudio: 208)

Coordinating teacher: GALLEGO CANTERO, MARIA JOSE

Department assigned to the subject: Economics Department

Type: Courses of humanities
ECTS Credits: 3.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
No previous knowledge is needed. having taken the subject of Principles of Economics, facilitates the development of activities in a more dynamic way.
Detect hoaxes and false news on issues that affect our daily lives Understand the basic concepts of economics used in the news Differentiate journalistic genres and the possibilities of use in the Fake News Know how to use the labor market concepts applied to professional life Be able to analyze different published news items (true and false) on the same topic due to the consequences that may be involved in decision-making in personal life. Be critical of publications in order to be able to ¿quarantine¿ the published news with the acquired knowledge of economics. Know how to get away from the virality of the Fake News.
Description of contents: programme
Unit 1: What is Fake News: Concept and development of this type of information. Words and their intended use. Headlines. The text of the information (differentiate between news / report / opinion piece). Unit 2: The basic economic concepts that appear in the news. How to generate a Fake. Unit 3: The treatment of the two economic data. Tables and graphs. Reading and interpretation of business income accounts. What's true and what's false Unit 4: Sensationalism. The importance of the sources (how they can condition the information). The interested writing of a news item: the same concept, two different readings. How to spot a fake news. Unit 5: The media agenda and the agendas of interest groups, the political agenda, pressure groups, etc. The journalist's social responsibility. / Effects of disinformation: The hoaxes. The ignorant journalist versus the malicious journalist. Unit 6: Preparation of economic news manipulated based on different interests.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 40
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 60

Basic Bibliography
  • Amorós García,M.. Fake News: La verdad de las noticias falsas. Plataforma actual. 2018
  • Calvo,E Aruguete,N. Fake News, trols y otros encantos. Siglo XXI Editores . 2020
  • Ferreira JL. Economía y Pseudociencia. Catarata. 2015
  • Mankiw, Gregory. Principios de economía. Thomson Paraninfo. 2006
  • Martinez Albertos, JL. Curso general de redacción Periodística. Thomsom.
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