Checking date: 12/04/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Sociology of migrations in a Global Worid
Bachelor in Employment and Labour Relations (Study Plan 2018) (Plan: 401 - Estudio: 207)


Department assigned to the subject: Social Analysis Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 3.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
It is not necessary to have previous knowledge of any specific subject.
1 - Identify the dynamic relationships between demographic variables (fertility, mortality, migration) and migration and population structure. 2 - You will know the main migration flows worldwide, with a focus on Spanish and European reality 3 - train for the valuation of costs and economic, ecological and societal challenges of international migration flows (present and future). 4 - Learn how to analyze the main concepts and generalizations about human society and its processes. 5 - Learn to identify and evaluate the relationship between various demographic phenomena and the social, economic and public policy eventually (causes and consequences of international migration policies and labor integration of immigrants)). 6 - Develop skills in finding secondary information in different international sources (government institutions, libraries, Internet, etc..). 7 - trained in the analysis of the changes and evolution of contemporary societies. 8 - To account for the reality of migration as a social phenomenon based on their universality, historicity and complexity (concepts, elements, processes, historical periods, volume and international migration networks), past, present and future of international migration. 9 - Give an account of the theoretical and methodological contributions has sociology to date to apprehend migration in all its dimensions, causes and effects added. 10 - Evaluate employment policies for immigrants.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
Theme 1: Why migration occur? The mosaic contemporary theoretical 1.1. The beginning of international migration 1.2. The perpetuation of international migration flows 1.3. Theories on migration policies Theme 2: Theoretical on the economics of immigration 2.1. Public opinion on immigration 2.2. The increase in reserves of Useful Knowledge 2.3. What is the connection between population growth, migration and innovation? 2.4. Is productivity being reduced by immigration? 2.5. The division of knowledge 2.6. The economic benefits of diversity 2.7. The economic cost of limiting migration of workers Theme 3: Impact of international migration for receiving countries 3.1. Evolution of international migrants reserves in the world 3.2. Immigration and Employment 3.3. Countries with a long history of immigration: The case of the United States 3.4. The case of Spain 3.5. Immigration and the welfare state 3.6. The aging population and the threat of public pension systems 3.7. Remittances that are rich countries 3.8. The highly qualified immigrants coming to rich countries 3.9. The need for unskilled labor Theme 4: Consequences of international migration for countries of origin 4.1. Where do migrants come from? Migration corridors 4.2. The remittances to developing countries 4.3. The international mobility of talent: types, causes and consequences 4.4. How can Africa out of poverty?
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 60
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 40

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • Sánchez Barricarte, Jesús Javier. Socioeconomía de las migraciones en un mundo globalizado. Biblioteca Nueva. 2010
Additional Bibliography
  • CACHÓN RODRÍGUEZ, L.. La «España inmigrante»: marco discriminatorio, mercado de trabajo y políticas de integración. Anthropos. 2009
  • CASADO FRANCISCO, M. y otros . Análisis económico de la inmigración en España: Una propuesta de regulación. Ediciones UNED. 2005
  • DOLADO, J. y VÁZQUEZ, P. (eds.). Ensayos sobre los efectos económicos de la inmigración en España. FEDEA. 2008
  • LEGRAIN, PH.. Inmigrantes: Tu país los necesita. Intermón Oxfam. 2008
  • Oso, Laura · López-Sala, Ana · Muñoz Comet, Jacobo. Sociología de las migraciones. Síntesis. 2023

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.