Checking date: 25/04/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Employment Law II
Bachelor in Employment and Labour Relations (Study Plan 2018) (Plan: 401 - Estudio: 207)

Coordinating teacher: MORENO MARQUEZ, ANA MARIA

Department assigned to the subject: Social and Private International Law Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
- Principles of Law - Introduction to the Labour Law - Employment Law I
- Ability to gather and interpret relevant data in the area of individual labor law to make judgments that include a reflection on relevant issues of a social, scientific or ethical nature - Developed learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy - Mastery of fundamental concepts of Labor Law - Knowing the depth of the legal framework of labor relations in Spain - Select, analyze and interpret the legal and conventional regulations, as well as the jurisprudence and judicial doctrine applicable to the factual situations related to labor relations, in order to solve problematic problems in these areas - Being able to correctly expose and write a topic or compose a speech following a logical request, providing accurate information and in accordance with established grammatical and logical norms. - Be able to evaluate the quality and quality of information and its sources using this information in an ethical manner, avoiding the subject and in accordance with the academic and professional conventions of the study area. - Understand the simple and complex legal problems linked to labor relations and employment, and offer precise solutions from the optical practices of the different subjects involved - Learn to implement transversally in the processes of human resources management, and application of Social Law, the gender perspective, as well as the optimization of fundamental rights, and human rights, directly or indirectly linked to work.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
Unit 1. Working time (I) 1. The ordinary working day: order of work time, work day, duration and distribution 2. Modalities of application of the working day: night work and shift work 3. Special working days: concept, extension of the working day, limitations of the working day, reduction of the working day Unit 2. Working time (II) 1.Working schedule 2. Overtime 3. Right to disconnect 3. Resting time: during the day, rest between days, weekly rest and annual vacations 4. Holidays 5. The part-time contract Unit 3. Substantial changes in working conditions 1. Concept 2. Justifying causes 3. Individual and collective changes 4. Modification procedures 5. Ways of reaction against the modifying decisions Unit 4. The interruption of the employment contract 1. Interruptions in the employment relationship: conceptual delimitation 2. Non-periodic interruptions due to causes related to the worker: Licenses and paid leave 3. Non-periodic interruptions due to causes related to the company: The impossibility of providing and the cessation of activities due to occupational risks Unit 5. Vicissitudes of the employment relationship 1. The suspension of the contract 1.1. Causes of suspension: by agreement between the parties, by circumstances that affect the worker, by circumstances that affect the company, by the existence of a labor dispute 2. Leave 2.1 Forced 2.2. Voluntary 2.3. For caring for children and relatives Unit 6. Transfer of undertaking 1. The change of ownership of the company: object of the transfer of company 2. Transmission procedure 3. Duty of information 4. Effects of transfer of undertaking 5. Responsibilities in matters of transfer of undertaking Unit 7. Termination of employment contract (I) 1. Concept and typology of the causes of termination of the employment contract 2. Termination at the company's discretion: dismissal 3. Disciplinary dismissal 3.1. The causality of disciplinary dismissal 3.2. The formalities of the act of dismissal 3.3. The qualification and effects of the disciplinary dismissal 3.4. Dismissal and unemployment benefit Unit 8. Termination of employment contract (II) 1. Objective causes dismissal: concept and causes 2. Formal requirements in the objective dismissal 3. Challenge, qualification and effects of dismissal for objective causes Unit 9. Termination of employment contract (III) 1. Collective dismissal: concept and causes 2. The number o workers affected, period, procedure and effects 3. Collective bankruptcy dismissal and termination of employment contract due to force majeure Unit 10. Termination of employment contract (IV) 1. Termination by joint agreement of the parties 1.1. Mutual extinction agreement 1.2. Expiration of the term agreed in temporary contracts 1.3. Resolutory condition 2. Termination of the contract due to death, retirement or incapacity of the worker 3. Termination of the contract due to disappearance, retirement or incapacity of the employer Unit 11. Termination of employment contract (VI) 1. The resignation of the worker 2. The abandonment of the worker 3. The termination of the employment contract based on contractual breaches of the employer 4. Definitive decision of abandonment of the job as a consequence of gender violence 5. Pacts and formalities common to the different types of extinction
Learning activities and methodology
- Lectures. - Readings on the various issues addressed in the program under study. - Resolution and discussion of practical cases. - Workshops. The tutorship will be those determined by the professor.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 50
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 50

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • AAVV. Esquemas de Derecho del Trabajo I: fuentes y relación individual de trabajo. MERCADER UGUINA, J. R. (coord.).. Tirant lo Blanch. (última edición)
  • ALONSO OLEA/CASAS BAAMONDE. Derecho del Trabajo. Cívitas. (última edición)
  • CRUZ VILLALÓN, J. Compendio de Derecho del Trabajo. Técnos. (última edición)
  • MARTÍN VALVERDE/RODRÍGUEZ-SAÑUDO/GARCÍA MURCIA. Derecho del Trabajo. Técnos. (última edición)
  • MERCADER UGUINA, J. R.. Lecciones de Derecho del Trabajo. Tirant lo Blanch. (última edición)
  • MONTOYA MELGAR. Derecho del Trabajo. Técnos. (última edición)
Additional Bibliography
  • ALBIOL MONTESINOS. Compendio de derecho del trabajo. Tirant lo Blanch. (última edición)
  • MERCADER UGUINA. Derecho del Trabajo: Nuevas tecnologías y sociedad de la información. Lex Nova. 2002
  • PALOMEQUE LÓPEZ (et alii). Derecho del Trabajo. CERASA. (última edición)

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.