- identify the dynamics of economic, demographic and social long-term outcomes associated with modern economic growth
- relate these historical dynamics with their own analytical categories of sociology as modernization, urbanization, secularization
- correct use of basic economic concepts (such as productivity, convergence, structural change, integration, globalization, income distribution)
- correct interpretation of demographic indicators (fertility rates, mortality, fertility) and socio-economic indicators (growth rate, GDP per capita and per hour worked, unemployment, Lorenz curve, Gini coefficient) related to the topics covered in the course.
- basic skills related to the analysis of texts, the collection and processing of information, accuracy in the use of analytical concepts, clarity in establishing causal connections between phenomena;
- advanced skills related to the comparison of texts, estimation and quantitative indicators, the drafting of complex text as academic and scientific criteria;
- skills related to public presentation of the results of their work.