1. Introduction to the Spanish Constitution of 1978
2. Structural principles of the legal system (those expressing the form of State and the form of government).
3. Basic concepts for resolution of normative conflicts (validity, effectiveness and the principles of normative hierarchy, competence, etc.).
4. System of sources: Constitution and its supremacy
5. Law and legal norms
6. International Treaties and European Union Law.
1. Basic concepts of private law: Private law. Private law vs. public law. Civil, commercial and labor law. Imperative law vs. dispositive law. Interpretation and application of the rules. Case law.
2. The Person. Natural person and legal person. The legal capacity and its exercise. The representation.
3. The patrimony. Different assets (public and private goods, movable and immovable). The subjective right.
4. The contract. Elements of the contract. Formation of the contract. Effectiveness and ineffectiveness of the contract. Main contractual modalities.
5. General law of obligations. The obligation. The fulfillment and breach of obligations. Contractual liability. Non-contractual liability.
6. Property law, rights in rem and its transmission 'inter vivos' and 'mortis causa'.
7. The family. The kinship. The marriage and its economic regime.