The learning methodology will include:
1. Lectures, which will present the knowledge that students should acquire. Students will receive lecture notes on the course webpage in ¿Aula Global¿, and basic bibliography will allow them to complete and examine those issues which are more interested
2. Discussion of case studies, videos, newspaper clippings, etc to be provided by the professor through the Aula Global. Prior to the analysis and discussion of case studies in the classroom the student must analyze the cases individually. Later, the student must participate actively in the discussion and presentation of the cases proposed, and the solution of specific problems. The cases and the news are related to the three parties that comprise the program of the course.
3. Making a team work throughout the course of one of the items previously selected by the teacher and will be evaluated after public exposure.
Thus, knowledge skills and attitudes will be acquired by students through lectures and practical classes the implementation of resolution of cases. The skills will be worked through individual and group work by students.
The 6 ECTS credits of the course is divided into: 3 credits assigned to classes, 2 relating to individual work and participation in the activities of the course, and 1 credit for the development of team activities