Checking date: 08/05/2020

Course: 2019/2020

Public Employment
Bachelor in Employment and Labour Relations (Study Plan 2018) (Plan: 401 - Estudio: 207)


Department assigned to the subject: Social and Private International Law Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
-Employment Law. -Judicial Procedure. -Public Administration Law.
This subject provides students with a general knowledge of the institutions and legal techniques of public employment in Spain to allow them to develop future professional work and / or academic and public administrations. The student will acquire theoretical and practical knowledge (practical sessions individually and in groups).
Description of contents: programme
LESSON 1. The Public Function and Public employment: Background and Legal Framework LESSON 2. Classes of public employees (I) LESSON 3. Classes of public employees (II) LESSON 4. Access to public employment LESSON 5. The administrative career of public employees LESSON 6. Administrative situations and extinction of the service relationship LESSON 7. Rights and obligations of Public Officials (I) LESSON 8. Rights and obligations of Public Officials (II) LESSON 9. Disciplinary Regime
Learning activities and methodology
This subject is entirely a system of continuous evaluation in which no theoretical examination of contents. The teaching methodology is composed of lectures and activities (case estudies, workshops...)
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 0
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 100

Basic Bibliography
  • AA.VV. (dir. Castillo Blanco, Sala Franco, Sánchez Morón),. Comentarios al Estatuto Básico del Empleado Público,. Lex Nova, Valladolid,. 2008 (2ª edición).
  • AA.VV.,. Manual de Empleo Público,. Iustel, Madrid. 2009.
  • Coordero Saavedra, L.,. Régimen de trabajo en las Administraciones Públicas,. Laborum,. Murcia, 2003.
  • De Sande Pérez-Bedmar, M., . Reformas laborales y Administraciones Públicas,. Tecnos, Madrid,. 2013.
  • De Sande Pérez-Bedmar, M., . Empleo y prestación de servicios en las Administraciones Públicas, . Lex Nova, Valladolid,. 2006.
  • Gonsalvez Pequeño, H., . Manual Básico del Empleo Público,. Tecnos, Madrid,. 2013.
  • Moreno Márquez, A.M., . La jornada de trabajo en el empleo público,. Tirant lo Blanch,. 2018.
  • Palomar Olmeda, A.,. Derecho de la Funcion Pública. Régimen Jurídico de los funcionarios públicos, . Dykinson, Madrid,. 2003.
  • Sánchez Morón, M.,. Derecho de la Función Pública,. Tecnos, Madrid,. Última edición.
Additional Bibliography
  • Autores varios,. Monográfico sobre Empleo Público,. Revista del Ministerio de Trabajo e Inmigración,. número 93, 2011.
  • Fernández Domínguez, J.J., Rodríguez Escanciano, S.,. La movilidad en la función pública entre la estabilidad y la eficacia en la gestión,. Cinca, Madrid, . 2004.
  • Manzana Laguarda, R.,. Derechos y Deberes de los funcionarios públicos, . Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia,. 2006.
  • Ruano Rodríguez, L.,. Constitución, Función Pública y Empleo laboral,. Aranzadi, Navarra,. 2008.

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.