Checking date: 08/05/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Freedom of conscience and public liberties
Bachelor in Law (Study Plan 2018) (Plan: 397 - Estudio: 206)


Department assigned to the subject: International Law, Ecclesiastical Law and Philosophy of Law Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 3.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
no information
This course analyzes the public liberties and constitutional rights and pay special attention to: equality and non discrimination, freedom of conscience, ideology and religion, freedom of expression and information, freedom of education, political rights, freedom of assembly, demonstration and association, right to honor to personal and family intimacy and to the image, and the right to effective judicial protection. For this purpose, judicial decisions of the Constitutional Court and the European Court of Human Rights will be studied and discussed during the classes. Students will learn to use constitutional terminology in the related topics, and will acquire the capacity to properly argue in this context.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
1. Freedom of conscience: Concepts and fundamental legal principles 2. Freedom of conscience and protection of personal identity 3. Right to education, freedom of education and academic freedom 4. Right to information, freedom of information and freedom of expression 5. Freedom of conscience and freedom of behavior 6. Religious freedom and legal status of religious groups 7. State ideological and religious neutrality and solidarity.
Learning activities and methodology
The course implies practical and theoretical knowledge. With regard to the teaching method, alongside the traditional theoretical seminars, a good deal of practice sessions shall take place (solution of real conflicts, individually or in groups, analysis of facts) that will let the student apply the knowledge acquired to the problems that he might face in his professional life
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 60
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 40

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • Luis María Díez-Picazo. Sistema de derechos fundamentales. Thomson Civitas.
  • D. LLAMAZARES. Derecho a la libertad de conciencia. Civitas.
  • Francisco Bastida y otros. Teoría General de los Derechos Fundamentales en la Constitución Española. Tecnos.
  • I. C. IBÁN-L. PRIETO SANCHÍS-A. MOTILLA. Manual de Derecho Eclesiástico. Trotta.
  • Luis López Guerra, Pablo Pérez Tremps, Miguel Satrústegui, et al. Derecho Constitucional Vol I. Tirant lo Blanch.
Additional Bibliography
  • Llamazares Calzadilla, María Cruz. Ritos, signos e invocaciones. Estado y simbología religiosa. Dykinson. 2015
  • Llamazares Calzadilla, María Cruz. Las libertades de expresión e información como garantía del pluralismo democrático. Civitas. 1999
  • Óscar Celador Angón. Reflexiones acerca del ámbito de aplicación de la Ley orgánica de libertad religiosa. Derecho y religión, ISSN 1887-3243, Nº. 15. 2020, págs. 263-274
  • Óscar Celador Angón. Educación diferenciada y modelo educativo. Anuario de los Cursos de Derechos Humanos de Donostia-San Sebastián: Donostiako Giza Eskubideei Buruzko Ikastaroen Urtekaria, ISSN 2341-0655, Nº 19. 2019

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.