Checking date: 05/06/2023

Course: 2024/2025

Admnistrative powers and public authority liability in tort
Bachelor in Law (Plan: 397 - Estudio: 206)

Coordinating teacher: ENTRENA RUIZ, DANIEL BRUNO

Department assigned to the subject: Public State Law Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 3.0 ECTS


The purpose of the subject is to acquire the following competencies: 1. Know the mechanisms for the identification of the general interest and its composition with the private interest 2. Identify the powers available to Public Administrations to ensure the compliance of the general interest 3. Know the concept and content of the constitutional Patrimonial Guarantee, the juridical configuration of the Administrative patrimonial responsibility, and the formal procedure to enforce it. 4. Knowledge of the constitutional configuration and normative content of the Public powers of sanctioning and the expropriation of the private property, their limits, and the respective procedures through they are applied 5. Ability to reflection about the specific legal-administrative concepts of the subject, and knowing how to apply them through their projection in practical cases
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
1. The general interest and its composition, regarding the people rights and interests 2. Expropriation of private property and rights: concept and statute regulation 3. The expropriation procedure. The reversal situations. 4. The sanctioning power of the Public Administrations: concept and elements 5. The sanctioning power of the Public Administrations: procedure. 6. The patrimonial responsibility of the Public Administration: concept and elements. 7. The patrimonial responsibility of the Public Administration: indemnitor patrimonial reparation.
Learning activities and methodology
The learning process is based on a practice-oriented education. Therefore, regular lectures will be supplemented with in-class analysis and discussion of cases and materials, which will facilitate the understanding and application of the legal concepts. Therefore, the teaching activities are divided into "lecture type" sessions (for the whole group) and case-oriented sessions or discussion groups (in small rooms). The activities carried out in small groups are subject to the "on-going" or continuing evaluation during the course. 1. In the lecturing sessions, the professor will present the main concepts and ideas, pertaining to each of the units or lessons in which the syllabus is divided. 2. Case-oriented sessions will provide a practical approach to the different topics, through the analysis and discussion of real cases or selected reading materials. In the small groups, the curricular activities might also include "multiple choice" tests or other types of exams, covering a part of the course program.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 60
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 40

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • SANCHEZ MORÓN, M. Derecho Administrativo, Parte General. Tecnos. 2022

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.