Currently we find ourselves immersed in a society dominated by two phenomena which conflict with the old hegemony of state sovereignty: Globalization and Europeanization. The subject will attempt to analyze historically this movement within the context of the creation and consolidation of the idea of Europe, the projects to integrate the people and countries that make it up and the materialization of Europe with its birth and the development of community institutions leading to the present model of the European Union. The objective is to understand how and why we have come to this situation, what great problems have arisen along the way, the solutions offered, the goals attained and the challenges which are still facing us. Thus, the great originality of the process of European integration, the institutions which belong to it, the different stages of its construction and its main players, as well as the enormous prospects the future holds for us will become evident. Furthermore, this background will place the student in a much better position to confront the study of European Union Law.