Labour Procedural Law
Topic 1. The protection of labour rights through social jurisdiction.
1. The fundamental right to effective judicial protection and a fair hearing.
2. Informative principles of the labour procedure.
Topic 2. The social jurisdiction: sources, organization, and competence.
1. Sources.
2. Spanish social jurisdiction.
3. Competence of the social order.
3.1. Material competence. Inclusions and exclusions.
3.2. Objective competence.
3.3. Territorial competence.
Topic 3. The parties in labour proceedings: capacity, legitimacy, representation, and defence.
1. The litigant parties.
2. Legal standing in labour procedure.
3. Right of action in labour proceedings.
4. Representation in labour proceedings.
5. Defence: criteria and general conditions.
Topic 4. Proceedings.
1. Service of process.
2. Time and place of proceedings.
3. Judicial fees in labour proceedings.
4. Joinder in labour proceedings.
4.1. Joinder of claims.
4.2. Joinder of proceedings.
Topic 5. The ordinary labour proceedings.
1. The avoidance of proceedings.
2. The establishment of precautionary measures.
3. The ordinary or common proceedings.
3.1. Start of the proceedings: the lawsuit.
3.2. Judicial conciliation.
3.3. Oral hearings.
3.4. Evidence. Production of evidence, conclusions.
3.5. The termination of the proceedings: the sentence.
Topic 6. Procedural modalities.
1. Basis of procedural modalities.
2. Small claims proceedings.
3. Special individual proceedings.
3.1. Typology.
3.2. The procedural modality of dismissal.
4. Special collective proceedings.
4.1. Typology.
4.2. The proceedings for protection of fundamental rights and public liberties.
4.3. The procedural modality of collective conflicts.
Topic 7. The means of contestation.
1. Means of contestation in the social jurisdiction.
2. Appeal for reconsideration.
3. Direct appeal for reconsideration.
4. Appeal to a higher court.
4.1. Petition appeals.
4.2. Ordinary appeals on points of law.
4.3. Appeals on points of law to unify doctrine.
4.4. Provisions common to petition appeals and appeals on points of law.
5. Writ of certiorari.
6. Contestation of res judicata.
Topic 8. The execution of sentences.
1. The execution of sentences.
2. The final execution of sentences and other executive decisions.
2.1. The execution of fines.
2.2. The execution of firm dismissal sentences.
3. The provisional execution of sentences