Checking date: 26/04/2019

Course: 2019/2020

Bachelor in Law (2008 Study Plan) (Plan: 149 - Estudio: 206)

Coordinating teacher: DIAZ GORFINKIEL, MAGDALENA

Department assigned to the subject: Social Analysis Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 3.0 ECTS


A) Analytical thinking and critical sociological endeavor, contextualizing what is has been read, listen and see from a scientific perspective. B) Identify the sociological analysis of the social reality, understanding the main concepts and sociological processes as basic tools of the discipline. C) Explain the role of various social institutions according to the most important sociological theories. D) Identify the ideologies which are based on practices of social institutions. E) Be trained in information management. F) Learn to synthesize the readings and communicate in written and oral form their content.
Description of contents: programme
1) Introduction: -Sociology object Methods and techniques of social research 2) Culture - The notion of culture - Components and functions of the culture 3) Socialization - Socialization: definition and processes - Socialization agents - Social groups 4) Deviance and social control: - Deviation, concept and historical evolution - Theories about deviation - Types of crime - Social control systems 5) Family, Kinship and marriage: - Main concepts about family, kinship and marriage - Historical evolution of the family in western cultures - Family life and transitions - The (post)modern family 6) Stratification and classes: - Concepts and stratification systems - Social mobility - Gender stratification and sexism 7) Social change and globalization - Definition and evolution of social change - Causes and consequences of social change - Modernity and postmodernity
Learning activities and methodology
The module is divided in two separate blocks: theoretical lectures and assignments. The theoretical lessons will be supported by the lecturer using participatory tools. In this respect the students will be given the presentations of each of the topics that are explained in the classroom and therefore their knowledge will be evaluated with a final exercise in the classroom. The assignments will be submitted at the end of each topic. These assignments will be supported by relevant readings, newspaper articles, documentaries and films. As part of the assignments, group work will be carried out. Students may attend weekly and group office hours weekly.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 50
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 50

Basic Bibliography
  • Giddens, A.. Sociología. Alianza. Madrid. 2009
  • Iglesias de Ussel, Julio y Trinidad Requena, Antonio (coordinadores). . Leer la sociedad. Una introducción a la sociología. 2ª edición. Tecnos. 2008
  • Macionis, John H., y Ken Plummer. Sociología. Madrid, Prentice Hall, 3ª edición. 2007
Additional Bibliography
  • Barbadillo, P. Extranjería, racismo y xenofobia en la España contemporánea. CIS/Siglo XXI. Madrid. 1997
  • Bauman, Z. . Vida líquida. Paidós. Barcelona. 2006
  • Beauvoir, S. . El segundo sexo. Cátedra Madrid. 2000
  • Beck, U. . La sociedad del riesgo global. Siglo XXI. Madrid. 2000
  • Beck, U. . Sobre el terrorismo y la guerra. Paidós. Barcelona. 2003
  • Calhoun, Draig, Donald Light, y Suzanne Keller.. Sociología.. Madrid, McGraw-Hill, . 2000
  • Cardús i Ros, S. (coord.). La mirada del sociólogo. Qué es, qué hace, qué dice la Sociología. . UOC. Barcelona. 2003
  • Durkheim, E. . Las reglas del método sociológico. Los Libros de Plon. Barcelona. 1983
  • García Ferrando, M., Ibáñez, J y Alvira, F. (comp.) . El análisis de la realidad social. Métodos y técnicas de investigación social. Alianza. Madrid. 1989
  • Garvía Soto, Roberto.. Conceptos fundamentales de sociología.. Madrid, Alianza. 1998.
  • Giddens, A.. Un mundo desbocado. Los efectos de la globalización en nuestras vidas. Taurus Buenos Aires. 2005
  • Gilligan, C. La moral y la teoría. Psicología del desarrollo femenino . FCE. México. 1994.
  • Giner, S., Lamo de Espinosa, E. y Torres, C. (eds.) . Diccionario de Sociología. Alianza. Madrid. 2006
  • Gofíman, E.. La presentación de la persona en la vida cotidiana.. Amorrortu Buenos Aires. 2001
  • Littlejohn, J. . La estratificación social. . Alianza. Madrid. 1975.
  • Lyotard, J.F. . La condición postmoderna.. Cátedra. Madrid. 1994
  • Ritzer, George. Teoría sociológica clásica. McGraw-Hill. 2001
  • Ritzer, George. Teoría sociológica moderna. McGraw-Hill. 2001
  • Tobío, C, Fernández Cordón, J.A. . Andalucía. Dependencia y solidaridad en las redes familiares. Instituto de Estadística de Andalucía. Sevilla. 2006

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.