Students will acquire competences and skills that are key to make strategic decisions in a company that competes in an international context.
Acquired knowledge:
Understand the importance of economic forces that shape the international arena, the strategies of multinational firms and the management of an international company.
- At the level of international economy.
o Learn the key variables of an open economy and a globalized market (globalization of markets, exchange rate, imports, exports, foreign direct investment flows, etc.)
o Understand international equilibria and global economic trends, specially the changes and opportunities in the new emerging markets.
- At the level of the company:
o Identify opportunities for international investment and trade in global markets.
* Analyze the enviornmental differences among countries, specially the socio-cultural, legal and political environments.
o Evaluate the selection process for international markets
o Analyze different entry modes choices in international markets.
- At the level of management:
o Understand the production, marketing, human resources and finance in an international context withing an international business plan
o Study the role of corporate culture and ethics
* Develop and structure a international business plan.