Students will acquire the knowledge and skills through lectures, the handing of the work assigned by the teachers and its discussion in class. Skills and attitudes will be enhanced by the individual and teamwork performed by the students and their discussion in class. The tutorials moreover will also try to open up the discussion to the students via the collective analysis of tables, graphs or texts and the use of questions and multiple choice tests on the main concepts discussed in the lecture.
The course will keep the following schedule: Students will have access to the following material: at the beginning of the course, a reading list will be assigned to each topic. Students will have access to all the graphic material used in class: graphs, tables, maps, power point slides. The tasks to be performed by the students will be handed out in the class tutorials. The students according to the calendar and relevant deadlines provided by each professor will hand in these tasks. The lectures present the concepts, theories and models that can be applied to each topic and develop the main historical narrative of the course. The activities developed during the tutorials are designed to stimulate the students to use the analytical concepts developed in the course to understand past situations and develop a deeper comprehension of current economic problems.
There will be at least one tutorial in the last weeks of the course in which the student will have the chance to clarify doubts about the main concepts and models used in the lectures, as well as doubts about assessment and the schedule of the course.