The Bachelor Thesis is the realization of a work in which the student applies the techniques and skills acquired during the Bachelor Degree either through a specific problem proposed by the supervisor of the Bachelor Thesis or through a problem/project proposed by a Company with which an agreement is signed in advance. Also, the adequacy of the Company's project to the objectives of the Degree should be evaluated.
There are two Bachelor's Thesis modalities between which the students can choose. In either case, a supervisor will be assigned from whom students will receive advice.
a) GENERAL Bachelor Thesis: They are small groups of students (from 10 to 15) with the same specialized supervisor in the area of Statistics and Data Science who will guide students in the choice and development of work. Each student will carry out an individual work, although works within the same group may deal with a common theme. There will be group orientation and supervision activities for the common points, and individual supervision for the specific aspects of each thesis. The number of groups offered and their themes will be announced at an informative meeting, before the enrolment period (November). These groups are administratively organized analogously to any other undergraduate course, and managed by each supervisor. The supervisor will provide materials (bbdd, software, texts, etc.) to carry out the thesis. It is the preferred modality in the School of Law and Social Sciences.
b) SPECIFIC Bachelor Thesis: It is a work on a specific subject to be carried out by a single student under the supervision of a UC3M professor. In order to carry out a specific Bachelor Thesis, the students who wish, should contact to a professor to act as supervisor beforehand. In this case, they must present the specific Bachelor Thesis request at the Student Office or Virtual Secreteriat, conveniently signed by the supervisor who has accepted the Bachelor Thesis supervision. The request will be forwarded to the Vice-Dean for consideration and approval. The specific modality is intended for research-oriented thesis, highly specialized topics, thesis with supervisors from companies or institutions outside UC3M. Each student with a specific bachelor thesis will be enrolled in a single group in Sigma that will be managed by their supervisor.