Checking date: 10/12/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Professional Internships
Bachelor in Economics (Plan: 398 - Estudio: 202)

Coordinating teacher: ZARRAGA OBERTY, CELIA MARIA

Department assigned to the subject: Business Administration Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 18.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
The daily completion of the professional internship is generally incompatible with the attendance to other subjects of the degree. Therefore, it is recommended to enroll in this subject students in the fourth course of the degree. If you have subjects from other courses, you may find it difficult to attend classes. Even if you do not have subjects from previous courses, the companies may impose time incompatibilities, with the implicit risk of delaying the completion of your studies (the students accept this risk when enrolling in this subject). Once enrolled in the subject, students will receive specific instructions for the internship allocation process in the list of valid companies approved by the vice-deans team. WARNING- By the nature of this subject, the schedule of internships may not exactly match the corresponding academic semester.
Knowledge: - Apply in a real context the theoretical and practical knowledge acquired in the classroom. - To acquire new skills related to the profession in a real applied context, and familiarity with updated professional trends. - Learn about the labor market situation in the corresponding professional segment. - Understand patterns of behavior in the workplace. Skills: - Provide efficient and effective responses to situations and problems of the companies. - Ability to overcome the essences for any business organization, such as competitiveness, need to innovate, the need for continuous updating of knowledge, quality policies, relationship with internal and external customers and suppliers, decision-making in contexts of uncertainty, management efficient time and all sorts of limited resources. - Ability to take stock of the first immersion experience in the workplace: self-analysis of strengths and weaknesses. - Gain real work experience to facilitate subsequent access to employment. - Acquire skills planning and organization. - Ability to make decisions. - Ability to work under pressure. Attitudes: - Be responsible behavior in carrying out the work, attendance and punctuality, motivation and interest, and so on. - Have a willingness to work together and to cooperate with others. - Initiative and proactivity. - Creativity and originality.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
REGULATION PROFESSIONAL INTERNSHIPS CARLOS III UNIVERSITY 2020-2021 Dual Bachelor in Law and Economics OBJECTIVE AND ORGANIZATION OF PRACTICES The purpose of the subject Professional internships is to offer students a first approach to the world of work by performing curricular internships in companies / institutions. Specifically, it is intended that they know the activity developed in companies and public or private institutions where students perform the internships. The student can consult the information related to the subject of professional internships in the following link: The directors of the different Degrees are those who establish the regime of professional internship in their degree (specifically the activities of organization, supervision, monitoring and evaluation), within the established in the curriculum. In particular, the directors of the degrees have agreed: Appoint a professor academic tutor in whom the academic functions of organization, supervision, monitoring and evaluation of the subject are delegated. The academic tutor is Ms. Sandra Tobalina Saiz. Delegate the management of the administrative tasks associated with the provision and follow-up of these internships to the 'Servicio de OrientaciĆ³n y Empleo'. The internships are regulated by the Programs of Educational Cooperation, under which, the University and the company or entity collaborator sign an Agreement of Educational Cooperation that will allow to realize the internships to the students. The duration of the internships is 500 hours. Only internships in those companies or collaborating institutions that are included in the next link will be admitted as valid in this subject. ACADEMIC TUTOR The academic tutor Ms. Sandra Tobalina Saiz, (, is entrusted with the following duties: Explain the operation of the subject. Personal attention to students. The student can go to the academic tutor, within the established tutoring schedule, to raise any problem or doubt that has regarding the subject, the latter being in charge of seeking its solution. Assessment of academic performance. When the academic tutor detects anomalies in the performance of the internships, she will carry out an investigation and determine If, in her opinion, it is possible to rectify, or not such anomalies. ADMISSION IN THE SUBJECT The Regulation of this subject establishes a series of mandatory requierements: Students must have passed at least 110 ECTS. For the Degrees considered here, the subject of Professional internships is elective. As in other elective subjets, each grade will offer a limited number of places and students will be admitted based on the average grade of academic record established in section 3 of the Rector's Resolution of March, 2003 (among the applicants students who have 110 ECTS approved). Students must apply for admission to the course in 'Campus Global', the application period for the subject will be April 2020. The management of the subsequent enrollment of the admitted students will be carried out in accordance with the regular procedure established by the student service and the Vice-rectorate degree. Enrollment will be made in July or December according to the curriculum. The student will be able to carry out the interships from May 2020 to August 2021. The professional internships will be carried out within the working day established by the company or institution where they are carried out. Regarding other subjects, the student is responsible for enrolling in groups with a schedule compatible with the practices. INTERNSHIPS (Ordinary registration) Once enrolled in the subject, the student must follow the following procedure, (otherwise it will be evaluated as "Not Presented"). 1. Attend the information meeting that will be convened by the academic tutor in the month of May 2020. Attendance at this meeting is MANDATORY for students admitted by ordinary procedure. Students who at the time of the meeting are Erasmus and therefore can not attend, should contact by email with the academic tutor to be informed about the operation of the subject. 2. As soon as possible, you must register with the Guidance and Employment Service. The registration process will also be explained at Informational Meeting (on may). 3. Based on the different practices proposed by the companies or institutions included in the annex to this Regulation, the students will be selected considering the profile demanded and the average grade of academic record. The company will interview the selected students. 4. The company will finally decide the students who will carry out the internships. In case of not being selected, the procedure will be repeated as many times as necessary until selected by a Company. 5. If the student is selected in a company, it is mandatory to join it. In marked case of unjustified rejection of a practice by the student, he will be automatically qualified as "Not Presented". The subject does not have an extraordinary call, there is only one ordinary call per academic year. 6. Once incorporated, the student must carry out the 500 hours of profesional internships subject to the duration, schedule, place, activity and other conditions established in the corresponding agreement signed between the University and the company or institution where the practices are carried out. In no case, the internships can be abandoned until the 500 hours are made, (even if the student offers internships in another company). If the practices are abandoned, the subject will be marked "Not Presented". 7. In order to pass the subject it is necessary to carry out with diligence and use the activities in which the internships consists, according to the program and specific conditions approved. 4. The students will be marked based on two documents, being their responsibility the delivery of both: A. A memory of activities developed by the student, where he synthesizes his learning throughout the 500 hours of internships. This memory has a weight of 40% in the final grade. B. Evaluation report of the external tutor (in the company), which must be completed and delivered directly by email to the academic tutor ( The evaluation of the tutor in the company has a weight of 60% in the final grade. The evaluation documents mentioned in the previous point must be submitted within 15 days after the end of the internship period. EXTRAORDINARY ENROLLMENT REQUIREMENTS TO APPLY FOR THE "EXTRAORDINARY ENROLLMENT" IN THE SUBJECT OF PROFESIONAL INTERNSHIPS If the student hasn't applied for the subject in April 2020 or has not been admitted ORDINARY PROCEDURE according to what is established in the section AWARDING AND ADMISSION, you can apply for REGISTRATION IN THE SUBJECT MATTER BY EXTRAORDINARY PROCEDURE. To request the "EXTRAORDINARY ENROLLMENT", it will be necessary the following requirements: 1. The average grade of the academic record of the student can not be less than 5 tenths to mark of the last student awarded the place by ordinary registration, (cut off grade). 2. To be doing internships or to begin to carry them out through an Educational Cooperation Agreement whose minimum duration is 500 hours in one of the valid companies or institutions. The tasks performed must be appropriate to the degree that is being performed. In order to apply for enrollment in the subject by extraordinary procedure, the student muust complete all the information required in the following request link: The requests will be studied one by one by the academic tutor of the degree. Once verified the fulfillment of the previous requirements, the academic tutor will personally authorize to the Office of students the enrollment in the subject by extraordinary procedure. The students authorized to enroll the subject by extraordinary procedure will be applied the Regulation of the subject in the same way as to the students enrolled by ordinary procedure. INTERNSHIPS (Extraordinary enrollment) 1. Interships completed before to the application for the "Extraordinary enrollment" will not be valid. 2. Extraordinary enrollment may be requested during the first or second term of the course. (Unless the student is in the 6th grade of the Law - Economics Degree, in this case, the student only be able to do internships in the first semester, because the second semester does not have teaching). 3. When the internships are validated by the academic tutor, 500 hours of internships must be carried out in the companies / institutions listed in the Annex to this Regulation, and it is not possible to change companies. If the internships are abandoned, the subject will be classified as "Not presented". 4. The evaluation process of the student of extraordinary enrollment will be exactly the same as the students who have enrolled the subject by 'ordinary' procedure. ASSESSMENT SYSTEM (Students with ordinary and extraordinary enrollment) The assessment is competence of the academic tutor. The student have to deliver: 1. Activity report (40% of the mark): Elaborated by the student, is a summary of the tasks developed in the internships and the learning carried out. 2. Report of the external tutor in the company (60% of the mark): It is a document with the evaluation of the company on the work done by the student in the internships. This evaluation will be written by the external tutor in the company in a predefined form, (which the student will provide), and should be sent personally by the tutor via email to the academic tutor ( Both documents must be submitted to the academic tutor during the 15 days after the end of the internships. Failure to submit any of the required documents within 15 days after the end of the training period will penalize the grade according to the degree of delay. If they are not presented or the delay exceeds one month, the subject is automatically qualified as not presented. Revision of the grades: The revision of the grades follows the internal regulations established by the University. Therefore, students who go to the review can only consult the Report and Report of the external Tutor, and may request the review of their final grade when they consider that an error has been made in their grade. ERASMUS+ The internship abroad is developed through the Erasmus + Practices program. The administrative management of this program is carried out by the Guidance and Employment Service. The possible academic recognition of these practices will be carried out by the vicedecano of the degree following the provisions established by the Regulations of the subject.
Learning activities and methodology
The students will develop practical skills, knowledge, and attitudes through internships in a company or agency for a period of time (500 H.) 1) The academic tutor will brief the students through specific meetings at the beginning of the course, in order to inform them about the general guidelines. 2) The students will be invited by companies to conduct selection interviews. 3) After passing the selection process, students will join to perform 500 hours of internships in the company. 4) While in the company, the student will have a tutor in order to lead, guide and supervise student activity in the company, see progress in their internships and provide technical support. At the end of the internships, the external tutor will send an assessment report by email to the University (academic tutor). 5) Finally, the students will complete their own report, (memoria), on practices.
Assessment System
The academic tutor will assess the knowledge and skills shown by the student during the internship. The assessment will be based on two reports: -A report provided by the external tutor in the company where the internship took place (60%) -A memory written by the student, that should be handed out within the established deadline (40%)

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.

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