Checking date: 16/04/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Bachelor Thesis
Bachelor in Economics (Plan: 398 - Estudio: 202)

Coordinating teacher: ALONSO BORREGO, CESAR

Department assigned to the subject: Economics Department

Type: Bachelor Thesis
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
A major prerequisite for eligibility to apply for registration in the Bachelor Thesis is that students must be enrolled in all remaining courses necessary to fulfill their Bachelor degree requirements. If a student is participating in an academic exchange program, the Student Office will provisionally accept the application and verify their eligibility upon confirmation of the exchange agreement. Failure to meet this prerequisite will result in the Student Office processing registration for all required pending courses needed to complete the Bachelor's degree. If such registration is not feasible, the Student Office will reject the submission and subsequent defense of the Bachelor thesis. For evaluation of their work, students must not have more than 30 ECTS credits pending to complete the degree, including credits from external internships
KNOWLEDGE: -Demonstrate understanding of theoretical models acquired during Bachelor studies and their application in comprehending real economic phenomena, either contemporary or historical. -Analyze realistic research scenarios in Economics. -Gather and synthesize relevant information essential for appraising significant economic issues. -Evaluate the causes and repercussions of economic or industrial policies, whether public or private, past or present. Based on this evaluation, provide a reasoned conclusion supported by a thorough problem analysis. SKILLS: -Apply the relevant theoretical framework to analyze the economic subject under study, drawing upon the background acquired during degree studies. -Research, select, and process essential information necessary for studying a chosen economic issue. Summarize pertinent diagnostic information while filtering out redundant or irrelevant data for effective decision-making. -Generate innovative ideas, propose solutions, and make decisions to address economic challenges. -Exercise discernment in evaluating collected information and navigating the ambiguity inherent in economic issues. APTITUDES: -Demonstrate initiative in tackling new research challenges. -Show dedication to research proposals and projects. -Ability to articulate, justify, and defend one's approach effectively. -Exhibit commitment to collaboration, including a willingness to share ideas and results with others.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
The objective of the Bachelor thesis (TFG) in Economics is to enable the student to conduct a research project within the field of Economics. To achieve this goal, the student will apply the scientific methodology acquired during their Bachelor's studies in Economics. To commence writing the Bachelor thesis, the student will first select a economic topic of personal interest. Subsequently, s/he will identify a research problem, which can be addressed through one or multiple questions. Within the thesis, the student will provide solutions grounded in economic reasoning and employing analytical methods learned throughout their Bachelor studies.
Learning activities and methodology
The utilization of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools is strictly permitted solely for the purpose of enhancing the style of text previously authored by the student. Under no circumstances is AI to be employed for generating or incorporating any text into the TFG document that was not originally written by the student, including literature reviews, method discussions, or research results. Should the improper use of AI by the student result in academic misconduct, such as falsifying the student's academic work to misrepresent their academic performance, the regulations outlined by Universidad Carlos II de Madrid (as partially governed by Spanish Law 3/2022 on university coexistence) will be enforced. The teaching-learning methodology for the Bachelor thesis (TFG) relies on tutorial sessions. The tutor will provide guidance to the student regarding topic selection, formulation of research questions, necessary models and data (if applicable), and suitable analytical methods. It is mandatory for the student to adhere to the tutorial regime and conduct their TFG under the supervision of the assigned tutor, who will ensure the authenticity of the student's work. The student is not permitted to prepare the work without the oversight of the assigned tutor. The tutorial sessions can be done in person or online. 1. Topic Selection: In the general modality, the tutor will furnish a list of topics and readings to guide the student's choice on the the research topic. In the specific modality, the student must propose a research topic with specific questions to their potential tutor, along with a preliminary research plan. 2. Guidance and Work Schedule: Upon topic selection, the tutor will advise the student on working efficiently to achieve high-quality scholarly results within the designated tutoring period. 3. Information Gathering: The student is responsible for sourcing the necessary information to formalize the research problem and, if applicable, construct their own datasets in line with the objectives. Subsequently, the student will collect and review relevant bibliographical references related to the chosen research topic. 4. Thesis Document: The Bachelor thesis document must adhere to academic standards, presenting the student's research work clearly and thoroughly. The objective is to explain the methodology and results of the research in a standard scientific format akin to academic journal articles. 5. Presentation and Defense: The student will orally present a summary of their thesis, covering research questions, literature review, data, methods, and results, in front of an examining committee. This presentation, known as the VIVA, must be conducted in person without exceptions and based on slides following a standard format.
Assessment System
The final grade of the Bachelor thesis will be the weighted average of the grade given by the tutor (30%) and the final grade given by an examination committee (70%). The tutor will produce a comprehensive report that numerically evaluates the student's level of achievement in terms of task planning and organization, adherence to the tutor's recommendations, and the presentation of the final submitted version by the student. The student is required to follow the tutoring regime and carry out their TFG under the supervision of the assigned tutor, who will verify the authenticity of the student's work. It is strictly prohibited for the student to prepare the work outside the oversight of the designated tutor. Failure to comply with the tutoring regime or evasion of the tutor's monitoring, including neglecting to inform the tutor about the progress of the work, will result in a negative evaluation from the tutor, and potentially from the evaluation committee. The final evaluation will take place during a public oral defense session, conducted in person in front of an examination committee. The committee will assess the content, structure, and methodology of the work, as well as the demonstration of specific abilities and skills relevant to the degree. These aspects should be clearly reflected in the document submitted by the student." The public defense must be conducted in person and is mandatory. Online defense is not permitted and cannot substitute for the in-person presentation. The University uses the Turnitin Feedback Studio program to analyze the final version of the Bachelor thesis document delivered by each student. This program compares the originality of the text in the document delivered by each student with millions of electronic resources and detects those parts of the text that are copied and pasted. If the student has correctly included the citing and the bibliographic reference of those documents used as sources, Turnitin will not mark it as plagiarism. Moreover, Turnitin is also able to detect the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools. Those TFG documents making use of AI tools will be subject to the university provisions regarding the misuse of these tools.
Basic Bibliography
  • C. Lipson. How To Write A BA Thesis. A Practical Guide from Your First Ideas to Your Finished Paper. University of Chicago Press. 2005
  • C. Lipson. How To Write A BA Thesis. A Practical Guide from Your First Ideas to Your Finished Paper. University of Chicago Press. 2005
  • C. Lipson. How To Write A BA Thesis. A Practical Guide from Your First Ideas to Your Finished Paper. University of Chicago Press. 2005
  • G. Koop. Analysis of Economic Data. Wiley. 2013
  • G. Koop. Analysis of Economic Data. Wiley. 2013
  • G. Koop. Analysis of Economic Data. Wiley. 2013
Additional information

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.

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