Checking date: 24/04/2017

Course: 2019/2020

Gender & protection after crisis
Bachelor in Economics (2008 Study Plan) (Plan: 145 - Estudio: 202)

Coordinating teacher: QUINTERO LIMA, MARIA GEMA

Department assigned to the subject: Social and Private International Law Department

Type: Courses of humanities
ECTS Credits: 3.0 ECTS


This course tries to propose the accomplishment of a contextual and polyhedric analysis of the system of Social Protection in Spain as social reality subordinated to economic conditions but also to the prepondewrant ideologies (philosophical, or political ones) from a perspective of gender. Because the mutations in the protection system demonstrate with special gravity respect of women, specially the workers. This analysis has to be articulated from a static perspective of the current situation today, but also from a dynamic perspective, for what one proposes the observation of his historical evolution. And all this, in last term it places in a juridical orbit, that of the fenomenology of the protection from the Social Law, in his different slopes. 1.-Seek and to select in force materials or historical 2.-To analyze texts (readings, procedure, etc.) 3.-To apprehend, basic concepts understand and to articulate 4.-To interrelate basic concepts, a concrete reality to extrapolate them and conclusions to articulate 5.-To argue razonadamente, in writing, and orally 6.-To plan and to develop the previous competitions individually and in group.
Description of contents: programme
TOPIC 1: THE SOCIAL PROTECTION IN SPAIN. 1. The Spanish system of National Health Service. Context and precedents to his creation in 1963. The paper of the contracts of insurance and other structures of Private Law 2. The conformation of parallel protective structures (social assistance and social services, sanitary assistance) from the Spanish Constitution 3. The clause of equality and prohibition of the discrimination because of kind. TOPIC 2: MODIFICATIONS OF THE MODEL OF SOCIAL PROTECTION From THE CRISIS GIVE 2008? 1. Labor reforms and pauperización of l@s trabajador@s. 2. Reforms of the presentations of the public system of social safety (asistencialización of the protection for unemployment (minimal revenues), and the rationalization of the pensions): effects on the women.3. The protection (without kind?) of the maternity. 4. The protection of the situations of dependence like protection of the women cuidadoras. TOPIC 3: THE PRIVATE - CONTRACTUAL PROTECTION. 1. The social complementary forecast in the companies (plans and pension funds, contracts of insurance (dependence, health, as examples): the wage gap like limit of patrimonial protection) 2. The ONG's and other non-profit-organisations (female poverty).3Lines of trend
Learning activities and methodology
ACTIVITIES: Part 1 - satisfactory search and selection of materials of study and of work - Accomplishment of the activities evaluables proposed (in time and form): COMMENTS, WORKSHOPS - participation in the classroom and in the forums raised in the platform Global Classroom Part 2: - production of a work reflexive final (test). - oral exhibition of the final work
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 0
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 100

Basic Bibliography
  • BLAZQUEZ AGUDO E. M.(COORD). El trabajador pobre como centro de gravedad de la prevención de la exclusión. BOMARZO 2015. 2015
  • TORADA, R. LEXARTZA L. MARTINEZ FRANZONI, J. . Combatiendo la desigualdad desde lo básico: Piso de protección social e igualdad de género. ONU. 2012

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.