Checking date: 16/04/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Spanish Language. Basic Level 2
Hispanic Studies (Plan: 285 - Estudio: 84)

Coordinating teacher: PEREZ CASTRO, SONIA

Department assigned to the subject:

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


The second basic course corresponds to the A2 level in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. By completing this course, the student will be able to: - Use the language as a means of communication and self-expression, in class and in everyday situations. - Understand and interact in those situations in oral and written standard Spanish. - Approach the most relevant social aspects of everyday life and recognize the most common ways of social interaction. - Acquire the necessary knowledge for those situations through practice. - Make the most of the initial motivation, search for opportunities to practice (including through social media, etc.) and train the use of strategies to improve communication and make learning easier. - Acquire the tools to assess and improve the learning process and language use.
Description of contents: programme
Communication, grammar and vocabulary resources: Unit 1: Talk about routines and difficulties. Talk about duration. Make recommendations. Describe feelings. Ask and answer about motivations. Regular and irregular simple present verbs. Reflexive verbs. Verbs "costar, sentirse". "Para/porque". "Desde/desde hace/hace que". "Sentirse ridículo/a, seguro/a, inseguro/a, frustrado/a, bien, mal". Language learning activities. Jobs and knowledge areas. Unit 2: Storytelling and relating past events. Talk about the beginning and the duration of an action. Forms and uses of the indefinite past. "Empezar" +a+infinitivo. "Ir/irse". Past indicators. Prepositions "desde, durante y hasta". Film and biographies. Unit 3: Indentify and describe people physically. Talk about relationships and similarities between people. Irregular simple present verbs ("c/zc"). Demonstrative pronouns. "El/la/los/las +de" +noun. "El/la/los/las +de" +verb. Clothing items. Physical description adjectives. Romantic relationshiips. The verbs "ser, tener y llevar". The verbs "parecerse, llevarse". Unit 4: Expressing tastes and preferences. Describe a house. Compare. Express coincidence. Locate objects in a room. Describe objects. Comparisons. Prepositions ("sin, con, debajo, encima, detrás, delante, etc"). Possessive pronouns "el mío/la mía, el tuyo/la tuya, el suyo/la suya". Uses of "ser, estar". Verbs "gustar, encantar y preferir". Types of housing. Parts of a home. Adjective to describe a home. Shapes, styles and materials. Unit 5: Formal situations: invitations, presentations, introductions and goodbyes. Ask for things, actions and favors. Ask for and give permission. Give excuses and justify. The gerund (regular and irregular forms). "Estar +gerundio". Conditional. Introductions and goodbyes. Polite verbs: "poder, importar, ayudar, poner. Dar, dejar y prestar." Unit 6: Talk about leisure activities. Talk about schedules. Relate past experiences. Describe places. Talk about intentions and projects. Perfect Past Tens. "Ya/Todavía no". "Ir a" +infinitive. "Querer/pensar" +infinitive. Leisure activities and places. Trips. Unit 7: Talk about tastes and eating habits. Explain how to prepare a dish. Direct object personal pronouns. The impersonal forms ("se"). Some uses of "ser, estar". "Y, pero, además". Groceries. Recipes. Weight and measurements. Unit 8: Give advice. Talk about moods. Describe pain and symptoms. Uses of "ser, estar". The verb "doler". Form and uses of the affirmative imperative. Parts of the body. Diseases and symptoms.
Assessment System

Basic Bibliography
  • Jaime Corpas, Agustín Garmendia, Carmen Soriano. Aula Plus 2. Difusión. 2020

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.