Teaching time is distributed according to the following activities:
- Conventional classes (50 for 100 teaching hours). This will include analysis of cases illustrating the lectures.
- Workshop and in class work (10 per 100 school hours). Specific analyses entrusted to student teams and public debates on national news that are made regarding any of the topics taught in class.
- Explanations, presentations by teams of students and written exercises on basic reading program stipulated in the Syllabus (30 per 100).
This course is equivalent to 6 ECTS credits, 150 hours in total approximately
Theoretical explanations of the teacher and several activities in class: 42 hours
Study of the subject by the student: 50 hours
Preparation of presentations, writing papers and case studies: 40 hours
Make up classes, tutoring, hand in of papers, etc.: 16 hours
Exam: 2 hours