Checking date: 25/06/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Religion and Society in Spain
Hispanic Studies (Plan: 285 - Estudio: 84)


Department assigned to the subject:

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


At the end of the course the students will have: - a good understanding of the role of religion in Spanish society and in shaping the specific processes that affected the history of Spain from the Middle Ages to the present. - a detailed and precise knowledge of the three Mediterranean religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) present with more or less strength over the centuries in the Hispanic land. - a good overview of the dialectic related to cultural heritage as a narrative construction tool of the past, and the role it plays in the identities of the present.
Description of contents: programme
This course will deal with the relationships between religion and society, focusing the influence of religion in Spanish society, so powerful over the centuries that it can be stated, without fear of being wrong, that current Spanish society cannot be understood without studying the religion that has shaped very diverse aspects of human life in this country. Many of the topics will cover the influences of religion on art and culture, as well as female participation in various social spheres. The program will be divided into five large blocks that will offer a general overview of the religious phenomenon in 21st century Spain. I. Religion in current Spanish society: general aspects. 1. Religious landscapes of Spain ¿ places of special interest to learn about the relationship between religion and society in today's world 2. Religious times ¿ the reflection of religion in the Spanish social calendar (religious and secular holidays and celebrations). The influence of Christianity in shaping social, festive, cultural and other aspects. 3. Today's topics: news to understand the current religious world in Spain. The meaning of religion in a pluralistic, globalized, emotional and moralizing sociocultural context. 4. The problem of religion in today's world: effects of globalization on religion; the secularization of Spanish society together with the need to ask about the meaning of life. II. The roots of the Hispanic religious phenomenon and its impact on today's society 5. Religion as an essential aspect in the historical evolution of the people of the Iberian Peninsula. The ways of seeing and understanding that evolution today. The current panorama: the Christian majority, and the minority representation of other religions. 6. Christianity: the arrival in Roman Hispania at the hands of the apostle Santiago? The first Christians of Hispania. 7. Judaism: the arrival in Roman Hispania. Who came first, Christianity or Judaism? How is Judaism understood in today's Spain? 8. Christianity in the configuration of the first properly Hispanic kingdom: the Visigoths. The councils of Toledo. 9. The arrival of the Arabs. The causes of the rapid conquest and organization of the occupied territory. 10. The changes in the religious panorama of the Iberian Peninsula from the 8th century onwards. 11. The permanence of Christianity in the kingdoms of the northern peninsula. Religious ideology as part of the construction of kingdoms. 12. The construction of a Christian identity as an affirmation of a society III. Religion as a factor in the construction of a social identity 13. Religious time and its meaning from a religious and social point of view (All Saints' Day, Christmas, Easter) 14. Popular customs in relation to religious celebrations 15. Art and scholarly culture in relation to religious celebrations 16. Festivals and the cultural and identity construction of a society IV. The influence of religion as a social model of coexistence between religions and cultures. The Hispanic example 17. The study of religion in today's society. A panoramic review 18. The serious problems of today's world. Wars and religious background. Religious coexistence in the Hispanic past 19. From tolerance to intolerance. A brief review of religious and social relations in the towns of Spain 20. Institutions that reflect the breakdown of tolerance between religious and social groups V. Religion as the basis of widespread social phenomena in today's Spain 21. The pilgrimages. The religious sense extended throughout the Spanish geography 22. The Camino de Santiago, a religious, economic and cultural route 23. Religious buildings. The cathedrals 24. The transformation of buildings from one religion to another CONCLUSION. The objective reflection necessary to assess the role of religion in the lives of human beings.
Learning activities and methodology
This course involves lectures involving theory regarding the characteristics and history of the three religions included, and their inter-relation in Spain from the Middle Ages to the present. The practical part will include visits to significant places for the minority religions in today¿s Madrid, so that they may better understand the nature of current religious coexistence.
Assessment System

Basic Bibliography
  • Andrés Melquíades. Cristianismo y cultura en España: dos milenios de vida. Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca. 2016
  • Blázquez, José María. El nacimiento del cristianismo. Síntesis. 1996
  • Carlos Díaz. Manual de historia de las religiones. Desclée de Brouwer. 1998
  • Fuente Pérez, María Jesús. Velos y desvelos. Cristianas, musulmanas y judías en la España medieval. La esfera de los libros. 2006
  • Fuente Pérez, María Jesús. Identidad y convivencia. Musulmanas y judías en la España cristiana medieval. Polifemo. 2010
  • Isabel Montes Romero-Camacho. Los judíos en la Edad Media española. Arco-Libros. 2001
  • Juan Vernet-Ginés. Al-Andalus: el Islam en España. Lunwerg. 1999
  • Muñoz Fernández, Ángela. Las mujeres en el cristianismo medieval. Almudaina. 1989
  • Márquez Villanueva, Francisco. Santiago, trayectoria de un mito. Bellaterra. 2004
  • Orlandis, José. Breve Historia del Cristianismo . Rialp. 1985
  • Rodríguez Barral, Paulino . La imagen del judio en la España medieval : el conflicto entre cristianismo y judaísmo en las artes visuals góticas. Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. 2008
Additional Bibliography
  • Adrián Tolentino. La influencia de la época medieval sobre el judaísmo actual. Cuadernos Judáicos 32. 2015
  • Antonio Montañés. Interacciones entre cultura(s) y religión en minorías socio-religiosas. El caso de los musulmanes y evangélicos-pentecostales en España. Papeles del CEIC. International Journal on Collective Identity Research 2015.3. 2015
  • Eduardo Manzano Moreno. Qurtuba: algunas reflexiones críticas sobre el Califato de Córdoba y el mito de la convivencia. Awraq: Estudios sobre el mundo árabe e islámico contemporáneo 7. 2013
  • Gunther Dietz. La educación religiosa en España: ¿Contribución al diálogo intercultural o factor de conflicto entre religiones?. Estudios sobre las culturas contemporáneas 28. 2008
  • José Sánchez Herrero. ¿Nació el Islam en España?. Hispania sacra 65, Extra 1. 2013
  • Martine Berthelot. El judaísmo en la España actual. RES. Revista Española de Sociología 12. 2009

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.