UNIT 1. Describe activities, movements and situation of people and things. Give instructions. Talk about body posture. Express feelings and moods. Describe actions with adjectives, gerunds and adverbs. Markers and temporary constructions: "mientras, al + infinitivo". Pronominal verbs. Vocabulary from the field of theatre, sport, dance... Uses of the verbs to put and stay.
UNIT 2. Express purpose. Express intentionality. Allusion to promises in indirect style. Claim the fulfillment of a commitment. For + infinitive / present or imperfect subjunctive. Some temporary particles: until, as son as, when + present / imperfect subjunctive. Uses of "se" to express involuntariness. Adjectives with prefixes. Purpose / unintentionally / on purpose... Vocabulary from the ICT field. Vocabulary related mesaruement and conflict resolution.
UNIT 3. Combine times of the past. Refer past events. To request and to warn. Tell stories, legends... Temporary constructions: just at that moment, to be about, then. Uses of imperfect indicative and subjunctive. Uses of gerund. Adjective placement. Vocabulary of chronicles of the media. Soccer vocabulary. History vocabulary cities.
UNIT 4. Predictions about the future. Analyze and expose problems related to environmental (causes and consequences). Cohesive texts. Perfect subjunctive. Temporary constructions: "mientras, hasta (que), antes de (que), después de (que)". Resources to cohesive texts: "dicho/a/os/as, el citado/a/os/as". Environmental vocabulary. Resources to cohesive texts: synonymous, hyperonyms, hyponyms, pronouns... Nominalization.
UNIT 5. Talk about work: qualities, functions, problems and feelings. Describe a company. Characteristics of formal written texts. Concessive subordinates: ¿aunque, a pesar de, por mucho que.... Reformulate: "es decir, esto es, o sea.... Exemplify: an example, for example, as an example... Work vocabulary. Lexical cohesion resources.
UNIT 6. Evaluate past events. Talk about unrealized events in the past and consequences. Talk about skills. Pronouns combinations: "se lo". Past perfect of subjunctive. Conditionak compound. Education vocabulary. Vocabulary biographies and vital paths.