Checking date: 24/04/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Geopolitcs of Russia and the Post-Soviet Space
Geopolitics and Strategic Studies (Plan: 387 - Estudio: 346)


Department assigned to the subject: Social Sciences Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


OBJECTIVES -To know the most important geopolitical and geostrategic elements and themes of Russia and the post-Soviet space. -To interrelate and synoptically understand the different geopolitical and geostrategic elements and specific phenomena of Russia and the post-Soviet space. -To apply theories and methodologies of regional analysis of a general or systematic nature to the understanding of particular regional spaces and dynamics in Russia and the post-Soviet space. -To place and relate the particular geopolitical and geostrategic regional dynamics of Russia and the post-Soviet space with the global geopolitical architecture. SKILLS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES -Graduates will be able to understand and analyze, from a geopolitical and geostrategic perspective, the relations between Russia and the post- Soviet space, as well asand world powers and their interactions. -Graduates will be equipped with learning skills that will enable them to continue studying in a self-directed or autonomous way. -Graduates will be able to work in groups and integrate into interdisciplinary teams in companies and institutions related to geopolitical and strategic analysis. -Graduates will be able to analyze from a critical perspective the territorial dimension of the discourses and practices that govern international politics, as well as contribute to the public debate on them and deepen the values of democracy, dialogue, tolerance, social and environmental justice and peace. -Graduates will be able to apply the theoretical and methodological knowledge of geopolitical and strategic studies to the analysis and resolution of specific cases and empirical problems. Graduates will be able to make use of a critical thinking in their own and others' analytical arguments.
Learning Outcomes
Description of contents: programme
PART I: INTRODUCTION Topic 1. Geopolitical identity and Historical Background of Russia and the Post-Soviet space. PART II: RUSSIA Topic 2. Russian strategic culture. Topic 3. Politics and power in Putin's Russia. Russian foreign policy. Topic 4. Chino-Russian strategic partnership. Topic 5. Russian economy, energy and demographics. PART III: THE UKRAINIAN WAR Topic 6. The geopolitics of Russian ¿ Ukrainian war. PART IV: THE POST-SOVIET SPACE Topic 7. Framing the Post-Soviet space: introduction and overview of the key concepts. Topic 8. The Yugoslav exceptionalism. Topic 9. Central and Eastern Europe. Topic 10. Southern Caucasus. Topic 11. Post-Soviet Central Asia. Topic 12: A new generation of "Frozen Conflicts" in the Post-Soviet Space. Topic 13: External (f)actors in the post-Soviet space: EU, NATO China, Russia.
Learning activities and methodology
RAINING ACTIVITIES: - Theoretical classes - Theoretical and practical classes - Tutorials - Group work - Individual student work - Quizzes and final exams - Theoretical classes (VIRTUAL) - Theoretical and practical classes (VIRTUAL) - Tutorials (VIRTUAL) - Group work (VIRTUAL) - Individual student work (VIRTUAL) - Quizzes and final exams (VIRTUAL) TEACHING METHODOLOGIES - Class lectures by the teacher with the support of computer and audiovisual media, in which the main concepts of the subject are developed and the bibliography is provided to complement the students' learning. - Critical reading of texts recommended by the teacher: press articles, reports, manuals and/or academic articles, either for subsequent discussion in class or to expand and consolidate knowledge of the subject. - Resolution of practical cases, problems, etc., posed by the teacher individually or in groups. - Presentation and discussion in class, under the moderation of the teacher, of topics related to the content of the subject, as well as practical cases. - Preparation of work and reports individually or in groups.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 0
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 100

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Basic Bibliography
  • Andrei, Roxana. Russia¿s Energy Policy and Strategy: From a Reliable Partner to an Unwanted Supplier. Springer. 2022
  • Aslanli, Kenan . Russia¿s Foreign Energy Policy. Resources, Actors, Conflicts. Routledge. 2023
  • Bernek, Agnes . Central and Eastern European Countries in the Multipolar World of the 21st Century,. Pallas Athéné Innovation and Geopolitical Foundation. 2018
  • Fagan, Adam; Kopecký, Petr . Routledge Handbook on East European politics. Routledge. 2018
  • Galeotti, Mark. We need to talk about Putin: How the West Gets Him Wrong. Ebury Press. 2019
  • Galeotti, Mark. A Short History of Russia: How the World's Largest Country Invented Itself, from the Pagans to Putin. Hanover Square. 2020
  • Galeotti, Mark. Putin's Wars: From Chechnya to Ukraine. Osprey. 2022
  • Holland, E.; Derrick, M. (eds.). Questioning Post-Soviet. Wilson Center. 2016
  • Hosking, Geoffrey. Russia: People and Empire, 1552¿1917. Harvard University Press. 1998
  • Hosking, Geoffrey. Russian History: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford University Press. 2012
  • Van den Bosch, J.; Fauve. A.; De Cordier, B. (eds.). European Handbook of Central Asian Studies. History, Politics, and Society. Ibidem Verlag. 2021
  • Weber, Yuval . The Russian Economy. Agenda Publishing. 2023
  • Wengle, Susanne A. . Russian Politics Today Stability and Fragility. University of Notre Dame. 2022

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.