Since the master's degree is open to graduates from any of the fields of knowledge established by RD 822/2021, additional training is provided for students who come from degrees not related to information processing and management. Specifically, it must be taken by all those candidates who, depending on their access qualification, are not familiar with the concepts and fundamentals of the following subjects:
¿ Search and Retrieval of Information
¿ Documentary languages
¿ Databases in documentary environments
¿ Fundamentals of Archival and Library Science
¿ Markup languages
¿ Documentary analysis
¿ Metadata
¿ Learning basic concepts on information organization.
¿ Learning basic concepts about documentary languages and content analysis.
¿ Learning basic concepts about metadata.
¿ Learning basic concepts on information retrieval.
¿ Learning basic concepts on Archives.
¿ Learning basic concepts about markup languages and style sheets.