Checking date: 17/05/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Treatment and management of information in libraries and archives
Master in Libraries, Archives and Digital Continuity (Plan: 500 - Estudio: 335)

Coordinating teacher: ROBLEDANO ARILLO, JESUS

Department assigned to the subject: Library and Information Sciences Department

Type: Additional training
ECTS Credits: 3.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
Since the master's degree is open to graduates from any of the fields of knowledge established by RD 822/2021, additional training is provided for students who come from degrees not related to information processing and management. Specifically, it must be taken by all those candidates who, depending on their access qualification, are not familiar with the concepts and fundamentals of the following subjects: ¿ Search and Retrieval of Information ¿ Documentary languages ¿ Databases in documentary environments ¿ Fundamentals of Archival and Library Science ¿ Markup languages ¿ Documentary analysis ¿ Metadata LEARNING RESULTS THAT THE STUDENT ACQUIRES: ¿ Learning basic concepts on information organization. ¿ Learning basic concepts about documentary languages and content analysis. ¿ Learning basic concepts about metadata. ¿ Learning basic concepts on information retrieval. ¿ Learning basic concepts on Archives. ¿ Learning basic concepts about markup languages and style sheets.
Description of contents: programme
¿ Classic information organization systems in libraries ¿ Classification systems ¿ Universal Decimal Classification, CDU ¿ The Dewey Decimal classification (DDC or DC). ¿ The Washington Library of Congress Classification ¿ Russian Library-Bibliographic Classification (BBK or LBC) and Chinese Decimal Classification (CDC) ¿ Other current classifications ¿ Documentary languages and content analysis ¿ Factors and foundations of documentary languages ¿ Indexing ¿ Thesaurus ¿ The documentary summary ¿ Trends ¿ Introduction to metadata: main standards ¿ Introduction to metadata ¿ Typology ¿ Standards ¿ Manuals and tutorials ¿ Basic information retrieval techniques ¿ Information Retrieval Systems (IRS) in the context of databases and the Web ¿ Working with an SRI ¿ Manuals or tutorials to learn more ¿ Introduction to Archival ¿ Archival concept ¿ Fundamental principles of archival ¿ The document and its life cycle ¿ The archive: functions and organization ¿ Archival classification ¿ Sorting ¿ Installation ¿ Document preservation ¿ Archival description ¿ Information structure on the web: markup languages (HTML) ¿ Markup languages ¿ HTML: its elements and characteristics ¿ Representation of information on the web: style sheets (CSS) ¿ Advantages of the CCS standard ¿ Structure of a CCS style sheet ¿ Properties of a CSS style sheet
Learning activities and methodology
AF1 Individual work for the study of theoretical and practical materials prepared and provided by teacher No 75 0 AF3 Synchronous theoretical-practical online classes Yes 3 3 AF7 Carrying out exams and self-assessment tests to review content Yes 5 5 AF4 Synchronous online tutorials Yes 7 7 Total Hours 90. Total synchronous hours: 15
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 100
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 0

Basic Bibliography
  • Alberch i Fugueras, R.. Archivos. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya . 2013
  • Alcalde Martín-Calero, C.. Manual de gestión de archivos administrativos. Diputación Provincial de Valladolid.
  • Barbadillo Alonso, J. . Las normas de descripción archivística: qué son y cómo se aplican. Trea. 2011
  • LUBAS, R.; JACKSON, Amy y SCHNEIDER, Ingrid.. The Metadata Manual: A Practical Workbook. Chandos Publishing. 2013
  • MILLER, Stephen J.. Metadata for digital collections. Facet. 2011
  • PEÑA ROS, Rosalía; BAEZA-YATES, Ricardo y RODRÍGUEZ MUÑOZ, José Vicente.. Gestión digital de la información de bits a bibliotecas digitales y la Web. . RA-MA Editorial. 2002

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.