- Modelling, and evaluatging paralllel and distributed systems.
- Ability to design parallel and distributed applications.
- To know the main aspect of parallel and distributed system design.
- To know and apply simulation techniques in parallel and distributed systems.
- Ability to analyze technical documents and scientifc papers.
- Ability to transmit the results of a scientific research.
Basic competences: CB6, CB7, CB8, CB9, CB10
General competences: CG3, CG4, CG6
Specific competences: CE2
Other competences to be acquired:
- CA26: Ability to design and evaluate systems based on distributed computing.
- CA27: Ability to model, design, define and organize the architecture of a distributed system, and to be able to apply advanced knowledge of distributed systems and applications.
- CA30: Ability to understand and evaluate the architecture of a high performance computing system.