Checking date: 08/05/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Other Renewable Energies
Master in Renewable Energy in Power Systems (Plan: 276 - Estudio: 266)


Department assigned to the subject: Electrical Engineering Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
Previous knowledge in Electric Circuit Theory, Electric Machines, Fluid Mechanics, Thermodynamics, and Power Plants is recommended.
Students, after completing this course: - They will know the operating principles of the following electricity generation technologies: Thermoelectric solar, minihydraulic, biomass, geothermal and wave power. - They will know the current state of technical and economic development of these technologies, as well as the social needs, advantages and disadvantages. - They will understand the function of the main elements of each technology, their relative importance and the limits of each one of them. - Know the existing alternatives for each technology, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of each one. - They will be able to evaluate the potential of the resource and carry out a basic sizing for thermoelectric, minihydraulic and biomass solar power plants
Learning Outcomes
Description of contents: programme
1. SOLAR THERMAL 1.1 Working principle. Types of installations. Resource. Present situation and perspective. 1.2 Concentrating parabolic trough plants. Solar field. Absorbing tube. Solar tracking. Solar field sizing. HFT system. Thermal storage systems. 1.3 Steam cycles. Turbine. Generator. High voltage systems. BOP. 1.4 Limitations. R&D priorities. 1.5 Central tower plants. Solar field and tower design. Comparison with parabolic trough technology. 1.6 Fresnel and Parabolic-stirling plants. Hybrid plants. 1.7 Solar thermal power plant simulation. 1.8 Road to profitability. Costs. Improvement margin. Key ponts. 2. HYDRO GENERATION 2.1 Working principle. Types of installations. Resource. Present situation and perspective. 2.2 Hydro resource. Energy estimation. 2.3 Dams, weirs and spillways. 2.4 Intakes. Sediment traps. Gates and valves. Open channels. Penstocks. Tailraces. 2.5 Turbines 2.6 Generators. Elerctyic installation. 2.7 Automatization. R&D topics. 3 BIOMASS ENERGY OVERVIEW 3.1 Working principle. Types of installations. 3.2 Resource: Environmental and socio-economic impact. Supply logistics. Transport, pre-treatment and storage. 3.3 Biomass transformation. Biomass characterization. Gasification. Direct burning. 3.4 Present situation and perspective. R&D topics. 4. GEOTHERMAL ENERGY OVERVIEW 4.1 Types of installations. 4.2 Resource. 4.3 Present situation and perspective. 4.4 Costs 5. MARINE ENERGIES OVERVIEW 5.1 Types of installations. 5.2 Resource. 5.3 Present situation and perspective. 5.4 Costs
Learning activities and methodology
The course will consist in master classes, lectures, presentation by students of the proposed works and practical simulation lessons by top-level industry experts.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 0
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 100

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Basic Bibliography
  • Carlos Mataix. Turbomáquinas hidráulicas. Universidad Pontificia de Comillas. 2009
  • S.A. Kalogirou. Solar energy engineering : processes and systems. Academic Press. 2009
  • Santiago García Garrido. Centrales Termoeléctricas de Biomasa. Renovetec.
  • Santiago García Garrido. Centrales Termosolares CCP. Renovetec.
  • Vega Remesal, A.; Ramos Millán, A.; Reina Peral, P.; Conde Lázaro, E. Guia Tecnica de Generacion Electrica de Origen Geotermico. FENERCOM ( 2010
Recursos electrónicosElectronic Resources *
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The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.