Checking date: 06/05/2023

Course: 2024/2025

Introduction to the Study of Hispanic Cultural Heritage
Master in Hispanic Cultural Heritage (Plan: 357 - Estudio: 254)

Coordinating teacher: FRIAS NUÑEZ, MARCELO

Department assigned to the subject: Humanities: History, Geography and Art Department

Type: Additional training
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


1. Acquire key concepts of the Hispanic cultural heritage. 2. Know the different perspectives, both in space and in form, of the investigation of the cultural heritage of Spain and Latin America. 3. Know the key aspects at the beginning of research in a specific area of Hispanic cultural heritage.
Description of contents: programme
1. Introduction to the history and culture of Spain and Latin America. 2. Main characteristics of art in Hispanic culture. 3. Geography and territory. Key aspects in Spain and Latin America. 4. Aesthetic ideas in Hispanic culture. 5. First steps in an academic research work. Resources available at UC3M for starting research in Humanities and Hispanic Cultural Heritage
Learning activities and methodology
1. Keynote lectures, They will be given to the basic texts of reference students enabling them to understand and deepen the contents of the given subject. 2. Practical classes, in which they work with specific documentation that allows students a more precise approach to the contents of the field. 3. Exhibitions and discussion groups.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 50
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 50

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Basic Bibliography
  • ALVAREZ JUNCO, José (Coord.) . Las historias de España. Visiones del pasado y construcción de identidad. Marcial Pons, Madrid. 2013
  • BENDALA GALÁN. Manuel, BANGO TORVISO, Isidro G., BORRÁS GUALIS, Gonzalo et al.,. Manual del Arte Español. Silex Ediciones . 2003
  • CEBRIÁN ABELLÁN, A. (Coord.) . Geografía de Iberoamérica . Editorial Moralea, Albacete . 2001
  • ESPINO NUÑO, Jesús, MORÁN TURINA, José Miguel . Historia del Arte español . Sociedad General Española de Librería . 1996
  • FERNÁNDEZ CUESTA, Gaspar (Dir.) . Atlas de geografía humana de España . Paraninfo . 2019
  • GIL OLCINA, Antonio, GÓMEZ MENDOZA, Josefina (Coord.). Geografía de España . Ariel. 2001
  • KAMEN. Henry . Brevísima Historia de España. Espasa Libros, Barcelona. 2014
  • MALAMUD, Carlos . Historia de América Latina. Alianza Editorial, Madrid. 2006
  • QUESADA MARCO, Sebastián . Historia del Arte de España e Hispanoamérica . Edelsa . 2005
  • QUINTANA MARTÍNEZ, Mercedes . Historia de América Latina . Edinumen . 1999
  • REBOLLO MATÍAS, Alejandro. Historia del arte y patrimonio cultural en España. Síntesis. 1997
  • VALDEÓN, Julio, PÉREZ, Joseph, JULIÁ, Santos . Historia de España. Espasa-Calpe. 2005
  • VIDARGAS ACOSTA, Francisco Emanuel . América Latina en la Lista del Patrimonio Mundial. Revista electrónica de patrimonio histórico, 1988-7213, Nº7. 2010
  • ZAIDENWERG, Cielo, GARZA MERODIO, Gustavo, PIQUERAS CÉSPEDES, Ricardo, DALLA-CORTE CABALLERO Gabriela (Coord.). Ciencias sociales, humanidades y derecho: Cómo pensar el mundo latinoamericano. Universitat de Barcelona, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo . 2017

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.