Checking date: 06/05/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Legal advice for companies in strategic sectors
Master in Business Legal Advice (Plan: 344 - Estudio: 317)

Coordinating teacher: LOPEZ JIMENEZ, RAQUEL

Department assigned to the subject: Private Law Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 3.0 ECTS


Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
PROGRAM OF THE COURSE: I. ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF DIGITAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP 1. Reform of the commercial legal order How to create disruptive concepts 3. Disruptive competitive environment 4. Moonshoting II. LEGAL ADVICE TO COMPANIES IN THE REAL ESTATE SECTOR Land Regime and Urban Planning. - Urban Management. Land and Property Regime. Limitations. - Urban Planning and Instruments. - Registry of the Property and Urbanism. - Control of the Administration. Crimes against Territorial Planning. - Sustainability. New approaches to the city. 2.- The real estate legal relationship - Legal framework of real estate transactions. - Different forms of asset acquisition: o Purchase and sale. o Exchange. o Adjudication. o Debt payment in lieu of payment. Foreclosures. o Usucapion. o Donation. o Acquisition of real estate by means of corporate transactions. - Real estate registration law. 3. Building Law - Building Law. - Building agents. - Building and urbanization contracts. - Subcontracting. - Civil Liability Insurance; Construction All Risks Insurance.4.- Different types of assets. - Residential. State and Autonomous Community Housing Regulations. o Housing in regime of free promotion (Vivienda Libre) and Housing with public protection/official protection housing. o State regulation of each type of housing. o Autonomous regulation of each type of housing. - Tertiary. - Industrial. - Asset portfolio acquisition processes. 5. The real estate development process - The real estate developer. Legal obligations of the developer. Insurance and guarantees. - Development of the promoter process: o Contractual relationship with the clients acquiring houses. o Contractual relationship with the different building agents. - Necessary legal acts for the development of the promotion and delivery of the houses. - Financial aspects of the promotion. - Certain legal proceedings arising from the purchase and sale of housing. - Data protection, prevention of money laundering. 6. The lease contract - State and autonomic regulation of the lease contract. - Housing lease contract. - Office lease contract. - State and autonomic regulation of the lease contract. - Housing lease contract. - Office lease contract. - Lease contract for commercial use (shopping centers). - Lease contract of hotels and hotel business in general. Lease of Industry. - Regulation of SOCIMIS. 7.- Accounting and tax aspects of the real estate activity. - Taxation of real estate operations: o Direct taxation: Personal Income Tax, Wealth Tax, Corporate Tax, Inheritance and Gift Tax. o Indirect taxation: VAT; ITP/AJD. - Accounting aspects of real estate transactions. III. LEGAL ADVICE TO COMPANIES IN THE FREIGHT FORWARDING AND LOGISTICS SECTOR. 1. Overview of a booming sector. 2. 2. New climate policies and their transforming impact on the sector, decarbonization as a strategic axis. 3. Intermodal transport: a. Intermodality as an essential axis of the new strategies. b. Intermodality, a legal challenge 4. Market shares, evolution and strategic objectives in the EU. 5. European Next Gen¿ funds as a lever for transformation. 5. Challenges and opportunities: a. Autonomous driving in freight transport, ethical and legal challenges; regulation. b. Technological advances applied to transportation. Applicable legal regimes: 1. Inland transportation a. Road transport. b. Transportation by Railroad 2. Air Transportation 3. Maritime transportation 4. The last mile Logistics Sector Overview General overview of the sector 2. Legal regime 3. The integrated logistics operator New business models where digitalization applied to logistics is an essential element of success: 1. online sale of own products; success cases by integration of logistics in the business model. 2. Multi-product portals; success stories by integrating logistics into the business model. 3. Riders Insurance 1. Risk outsourcing (Insurance) 2. Internalization of risk (Self-Insurance) 3. Claims and risk prevention from a legal perspective.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 60
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 40

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.