Checking date: 19/05/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Topics in International Economic History
Master in Social Sciences (Plan: 481 - Estudio: 325)

Coordinating teacher: JUIF , DACIL TANIA

Department assigned to the subject: Social Sciences Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Knowledge: K-1. Advanced knowledge and understanding of the processes of economic, social, and political change, as well as the structures that constitute societies (markets, families, institutions) from an analytical, methodological, and empirical perspective. K-4. Knowledge of comparative analysis and historical analysis applied in the major scientific contributions in Social Sciences. K-5. Knowledge of the internal logic of a scientific publication, examining the clarity of exposition, as well as the consistency between theory, analytical strategy, indicators, results, and conclusions. K-11. Knowledge of the Economic History models to understand the processes of historical change and long-term economic development. Skills: S-1. Ability to synthesize the main theories and empirical contributions in one or more contemporary debates from an interdisciplinary perspective. S-4. Ability to select and apply the method of comparison or historical analysis to the study of a political, economic, or social phenomenon. S-5. Skill in organizing and expressing ideas clearly and unambiguously, and in supporting theoretical arguments on a topic through critical analysis of the literature. S-11. Apply the knowledge acquired in the evaluation, formulation and criticism of economic policies within the framework of different types of capitalism. Competencies: C-1. Ability to apply knowledge on existing theoretical and empirical debates in an original development of one's own ideas in a context of academic or applied research. C-4. Ability to select cases and apply the comparative method and/or historical analysis when providing an empirical response to a research question within the framework of applied or academic research. C-5. Ability to identify the strengths and weaknesses of scientific publications in an area of study and to justify the advancement in the knowledge frontier that is intended to be achieved in the research project. C-11. Being able to apply theoretical knowledge and methodological advances in a particular subject in the development of a research paper in the area of Economic History.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
The course focuses on the ebbs and flows of financial globalization in the last two centuries. The course gives students the opportunity to discuss selected findings of this extensive literature in economic and financial history. - Capital flows - Credibility - Gatekeepers - Financial imperialism - Crises - Defaults - Original Sin: debt - International currencies - Financial repression - Global finance redux - Secular views
Learning activities and methodology
AF1 - Theoretical class AF3 - Theoretical-practical class: learning of theoretical content on mathematics, statistics, and causal inference. AF5 - Tutoring: the possibility of establishing weekly meetings with the professor teaching the course. AF6 - Individual student work. Teaching Methodologies: MD1 - Lectures in class by the professor with the support of computer and audiovisual media, in which the main concepts of the subject are developed. MD2 - Critical reading of texts recommended by the subject professor: press articles, reports, manuals, and/or academic articles. MD4 - Presentation and discussion in class, under the moderation of the professor, on topics related to the content of the subject, as well as practical cases. MD5 - Preparation of papers and reports individually or in groups.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 60
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 40

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Basic Bibliography
  • B. Eichengreen. Globalizing Capital. A History of the International Monetary System . Princeton U. Press. 2008
  • B. Eichengreen. Hall of Mirrors: The Great Depression, The Great Recession, and the Uses-and Misuses-of History . Oxford U. Press. 2015
  • B. Eichengreen. Exorbitant Privilege: The Rise and Fall of the Dollar and the Future of the International Monetary System . Oxford U. Press. 2011
  • B. Eichengreen, A. Mehl, L. Chitu. How Global Currencies Work: Past, Present and Future . Princeton U. press. 2018
  • Deaton, A.. The Great Escape. Health, Wealth, and the Origins of Inequality. Princeton University Press. 2013
  • Gordon, RJ. The Rise and Fall of American Growth. The US standard of living since the Civil War. Princeton University Press. 2016
  • Irwin, D.. Free Trade under Fire . Princeton U. Press. 2020
  • James, H.. International Monetary Cooperation since Bretton Woods . Princeton U. Press. 1996
  • James, H.. The End of Globalization. Lessons from the Great Depression . Harvard U. Press. 2002
  • Jones, EL. The European Miracle: environments, economics and geopolitics in the history of Europe and Asia. Cambridge University Press. 1981
  • Jones, EL. The European Miracle: environments, economics and geopolitics in the history of Europe and Asia. Cambridge University Press. 1981
  • L. Catao, M. Obstfeld, eds., . Meeting Globalization Challenges. Policies to make trade work for all . Princeton University Press. 2019
  • M. Bordo, A. Taylor, J. Williamson, eds., . Globalization in Historical Perspective . NBER. 2005
  • M. Bordo, B. Eichengreen, eds.. A Retrospective on the Bretton Woods System: Lessons for International Monetary Reform . University of Chicago Press and NBER. 1993
  • N. Lamoreux, I. Shapiro, eds.. The Bretton Woods Agreements . Yale University Press. 2019
  • Neal, L. . A Concise History of Global Finance. From Babylon to Bernanke . Cambridge U. Press. 2015
  • O'Rourke, KH, J. Williamson. Globalization and History. The Evolution of the Nineteenth Century Atlantic Economy. MIT Press. 1999
  • O¿Rourke, K. , J. Williamson. Globalization and History . MIT Press. 2001
  • Pomeranz, K.. The Great Divergence. China, Europe, and the Making of the Modern World Economy. Princeton University Press. 2000
  • R Faini, J de Melo, K Zimmermann, eds., . Migration: The Controversies and the Evidence . Cambridge U. Press. 1999
  • R. Findlay, K. O´Rourke. Power and Plenty: Trade, War, and the World Economy in the Second Millennium. Princeton U. Press. 2007
  • T.J. Hatton, J. Williamson. Global Migration and the World Economy. Two Centuries of Policy and Performance . MIT Press. 2008
Detailed subject contents or complementary information about assessment system of B.T.

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.