Checking date: 19/05/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Social Stratification I
Master in Social Sciences (Plan: 481 - Estudio: 325)

Coordinating teacher: TORRE FERNANDEZ, MARGARITA

Department assigned to the subject: Social Sciences Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Knowledge: K-1. Advanced knowledge and understanding of the processes of economic, social, and political change, as well as the structures that make up societies (markets, families, institutions) from an analytical, methodological, and empirical perspective. K-4. Knowledge of comparative analysis and historical analysis applied in major scientific contributions in Social Sciences. K-5. Knowledge of the internal logic of a scientific publication, examining the clarity of exposition, as well as the consistency between theory, analytical strategy, indicators, results, and conclusions. K-12. Advanced knowledge of the foundations of sociological analysis and the determinants of socioeconomic achievements based on the relationship between theory and methodological developments. Skills: S-1. Ability to synthesize the main theories and empirical contributions in one or more contemporary debates from an interdisciplinary perspective. S-4. Ability to select and apply the method of comparison or historical analysis for the study of a political, economic, or social phenomenon. S-5. Skill in organizing and expressing ideas clearly and unambiguously, and in supporting theoretical arguments on a topic through a critical analysis of the literature. S-12. Mastery of macro, meso, and micro factors in the formation and reproduction of social inequalities. Competencies: C-1. Ability to apply knowledge about existing theoretical and empirical debates in an original development of one's own ideas in a context of academic or applied research. C-4. Ability to select cases and apply the comparative method and/or historical analysis when providing an empirical response to a research question within the framework of applied or academic research. C-5. Ability to identify the strengths and weaknesses of scientific publications in an area of study and to justify the advancement in the knowledge frontier that is intended to be achieved in the research project. C-12. Ability to apply theoretical knowledge and methodological advances on the subject in the development of a research paper in the area of Sociology.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
Contemporary Class Theories: Debates and Operationalization (EO Wright, John Goldthorpe, David Grusky): Social Structure and Life Opportunities Applications of the employment income model to the study of labour duality: The relationship between labour institutions and stratification The Study of Class Mobility: The Origin-Education-Destination Triangle: Predictions and Key Debates The study of class mobility: Methodology (mobility tables, odds ratios and log-linear models) and comparative evidence; the relationship between methodological developments and theoretical debates. Educational attainment and the meritocracy debate Primary Effects of Class of Origin on Educational Achievement: The Intergenerational Transmission of Capacities Secondary effects of class of origin on educational achievement. Risk aversion, time preferences and educational decisions; rational action and formal models. Social Capital, Networks and Socio-Economic Achievement: Debates and Empirical Evidence. The Class Vote: Trends and Mechanisms; Class, Political Confidence and Legitimacy. The socio-economic bases of populism and the rejection of immigration and the role of economic crises. New approaches to the study of inequality: Socio-genetics, personality traits and the importance of early intervention.
Learning activities and methodology
Training activities: AF1 - Theoretical class AF3 - Theoretical-practical class: learning theoretical content on mathematics, statistics, and causal inference. AF5 - Tutoring: the possibility of establishing weekly meetings with the professor teaching the course. AF6 - Individual student work. Teaching Methodologies: MD1 - Lectures in class by the professor with the support of computer and audiovisual media, in which the main concepts of the subject are developed. MD2 - Critical reading of texts recommended by the subject professor: press articles, reports, manuals, and/or academic articles. MD4 - Presentation and discussion in class, under the moderation of the professor, on topics related to the content of the subject, as well as practical cases. MD5 - Preparation of papers and reports individually or in groups.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 70
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 30

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Basic Bibliography
  • Baker, D.P. et al. . ¿The Cognitive Impact of the Educational Revolution: A Possible Cause of the Flynn Effect in Population IQ¿. . Intelligence, 49:144¿158. . 2015.
  • Breen, R. . ¿Educational Expansion and Social Mobility in the Twentieth Century¿ . Social Forces, 89(2): 365-88. . 2010.
  • Breen, R. and Goldthorpe, J.H. . ¿Class Inequality and Meritocracy: A Critique of Saunders and an Alternative Analysis¿. . British Journal of Sociology, 50:1-27. . 1999.
  • Breen, Richard and Goldthorpe, John. . "Explaining Educational Differentials: Towards a Formal Rational Action Theory". . Rationality and Society, 9(3): 275-305. . 1997.
  • Breen, Richard and Jonsson, . ¿Inequality of Opportunity in Comparative Perspective: Recent Research on Educational Attainment and Social Mobility¿. . Annual Review of Sociology, 31:223¿43. . Jan 2005.
  • Breen, Richard and Jonsson, . ¿A Multinomial Transition Model for Analyzing Educational Careers¿. . American Sociological Review, 65(5):754-72. . Jan. 2000.
  • Breen, Richard and Luijkx, Ruud. . ¿Social Mobility in Europe between 1970 and 2000¿ . In R. Breen (edit). Social Mobility in Europe. Oxford: Oxford University Press.. 2004.
  • Breen, Richard, van de Werfhorst, Herman G. and Jæger, Mads M. . "Deciding under Doubt: A Theory of Risk Aversion, Time Discounting Preferences and Educational Decision Making". . European Sociological Review, 30(2): 258-70. . 2014.
  • Breen, Richard.. Social Mobility.. Oxford University Press.. 2004.
  • Bukodi, E., Goldthorpe, J. Waller, L. and, Kuha, J. . ¿The mobility problem in Britain: new findings from the analysis of birth cohort data¿. . The British Journal of Sociology, 66(1): 93-117. . 2015.
  • Cameron, Stephen V., and James J. Heckman. . ¿Life Cycle Schooling and Dynamic Selection Bias: Models and Evidence for Five Cohorts of American Males.¿ . Journal of Political Economy 106:262-333. . 1998.
  • Cameron, Stephen V., and James J. Heckman. . ¿The Dynamics of Education Attainment for Black, Hispanic, and White Males.¿ . Journal of Political Economy 109:455-99. . 2001.
  • Cebolla, H. Radl, J and L. Salazar. . ¿Preschool Education as the Great Equalizer? A Cross-Country Study into the Sources of Inequality in Reading Competence¿, . Acta Sociológica. 60(1) 41¿60. . 2017.
  • Chan, Tak Win and Koo, Anita. . ¿Parenting Style and Youth Outcomes in the UK¿. . European Sociological Review, 27(3):385¿399. . 2011.
  • Clarke, Harold. et al. . ¿The American voter's British cousin¿. . Electoral Studies, 28(4): 632-641. . 2009.
  • Coleman, James S. . ¿Social Capital in the Creation of Human Capital¿. . American Journal of Sociology, 94:S95-S120. . 1988.
  • Cooper, Harris et al. . ¿The Effects of Summer Vacation on Achievement Test Scores: A Narrative and Meta-Analytic Review¿. . Review of Educational Research, 66(3):227-268. . 1996.
  • Cunha, Flavio and James Heckman. . ¿The Technology of Skill Formation.¿ . American Economic Review, 97(2): 31-47. . 2007.
  • Duncan, G., Magnuson, K. and Vortuba-Drzal, E. . ¿Boosting Family Income to Promote Child Development¿. . The Future of Children, 24(1):99-120. See also: .. 2014.
  • Evans, Geoffrey and Mills, Colin. . ¿In search of the wage-labour/service contract: new evidence on the validity of the Goldthorpe class schema¿. . British Journal of Sociology 51: 641¿661. . 2000.
  • Farah, Martha J et al. . ¿Environmental Stimulation, Parental Nurturance and Cognitive Development in Humans.¿ . Developmental Science, 11: 793¿801. . 2008.
  • Fernandez, Roberto M., and Isabel Fernandez-Mateo. . ¿Networks, Race, and Hiring¿. . American Sociological Review 71: 42-71. . 2006.
  • Friedman, S. and Laurison, D. . ¿Mind the gap: financial London and the regional class pay gap¿. . The British Journal of Sociology, 68: 474¿511. . 2017.
  • Gil-Hernández, Carlos J., Marqués-Perales. Ildefonso and Fachelli, Sandra. . ¿Intergenerational Social Mobility in Spain between 1956 and 2011: The Role of Educational Expansion and Economic Modernisation in a Late Industrialised Country¿ . Research on Social Stratification and Mobility, 51:14-27. . 2017.
  • Goldthorpe, J. H. . On Sociology: Numbers, Narratives and the Integration of Research and Theory.. Oxford University Press.. 2000.
  • Goldthorpe, J. H. and Erikson, R. . The Constant Flux: A Study of Class Mobility in Industrial Societies. . Oxford: Clarendon Press.. 1993.
  • Goldthorpe, John H. . "Rent, Class Conflict, and Class Structure: A Commentary on Sorensen," . American Journal of Sociology 105(6): 1572-1582. . 2000.
  • Goldthorpe, John H. . ¿Social Class and the Differentiation of Employment Contracts¿. Pp. 101-124. . In John H. Goldthorpe, On Sociology. Volume II: Illustration and Retrospect. 2nd edition. Stanford: Stanford University Press. . 2007.
  • Goldthorpe, John, and McKnight, Abigail. . ¿The Economic Basis of Social Class.¿ Goldthorpe, John, and McKnight, Abigail. 2004. ¿The Economic Basis of Social Class.¿ CASE paper No 80. . Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion, London School of Economics. . 2004.
  • Granovetter, Mark S. . ¿The Strength of Weak Ties¿. . American Journal of Sociology 78: 1360-1380. . 1973.
  • Grusky, David B. (ed.) . Social Stratification: Class, Race, and Gender in Sociological Perspective. 3rd edition. . Boulder: Westview Press. . 2008.
  • Heckman, James J. Stixrud, Jora, and Urzua, Sergio. . ¿The Effects of Cognitive and Noncognitive Abilities on Labor Market Outcomes and Social Behavior¿. . Journal of Labor Economics, 24(3):411-482. . 2006.
  • Inglehart, Ronald . . ¿Changing Values among Western Publics from 1970 to 2006¿. . West European Politics 31:1-2 130-46. . 2008.
  • Ishida, H., Mueller, W. and Ridge, J. M. . ¿Class Origin, Class Destination and Education: A Cross-National Study of Ten Industrial Nations¿. . American Journal of Sociology, 101:145-193. . 1995.
  • Jackson, M. . ¿Disadvantaged through discrimination? The role of employers in social stratification¿. . The British Journal of Sociology, 60: 669¿692. . 2009.
  • Jackson, Michelle. . ¿Personality Traits and Occupational Attainment.¿ . European Sociological Review, 22(2):187-199. . 2006.
  • Jaeger, Mads M. and Richard Breen. . ¿A Dynamic Model of Cultural Reproduction.¿ . American Journal of Sociology, 121(4):1079-1115. . 2016.
  • Kiernan, K. E. and Huerta, M. C. . ¿Economic deprivation, maternal depression, parenting and children¿s cognitive and emotional development in early childhood". . British Journal of Sociology, 59:783¿806. . 2008.
  • Lareau, Annette. . Unequal Childhoods: Class, Race, and Family Life. . Berkeley: University of California Press. . 2003.
  • Mare, Robert D. . ¿Change and Stability in Educational Stratification.¿ . American Sociological Review 46:72-87. . 1981.
  • Marshall, Gordon. . Oxford Dictionary of Sociology. . Oxford University Press. . 1998.
  • Morgan, Stephen L. . On the Edge of Commitment: Educational Attainment and Race in the United States. . Stanford: Stanford University Press. . 2005.
  • Morgan, Stephen L. . "Adolescent Educational Expectations: Rationalized, Fantasized, or Both?" . Rationality and Society 10:131-62. . 1998.
  • Morgan, Stephen L. and Aage B. Sørensen. . "Parental Networks, Social Closure, and Mathematics Learning: A Test of Coleman's Social Capital Explanation of School Effects." . American Sociological Review 64:661-681. . 1999.
  • Mouw, Ted. . ¿Social Capital and Finding a Job: Do Contacts Matter?¿ . American Sociological Review 68: 868-898. . 2003.
  • Oesch, Daniel. . Occupational Change in Europe. How Technology and Education transform the Job Structure, . Oxford: Oxford University Press. . 2013.
  • Petersen, Trond, Ishak Saporta, and Marc-David L. Seidel. . ¿Offering a Job: Meritocracy and Social Networks.¿ . American Journal of Sociology. 106,3:763-816. . 2000.
  • Platt, Lucinda. . Understanding Inequalities. . Polity Press. . 2011.
  • Polavieja, Javier G. . ¿Temporary Contracts and Labour Market Segmentation in Spain: An Employment-Rent Approach¿. . European Sociological Review, 19(5): 501-517. . 2003.
  • Polavieja, Javier G. . ¿Economic Crisis, Political Legitimacy and Social Cohesion¿ . in Duncan Gallie (ed.) Economic Crisis, Quality of Work and Social Integration: The European Experience. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 256-278. . 2013.
  • Polavieja, Javier G. . ¿Labour-Market Competition, Recession and Anti-Immigrant Sentiments in Europe: Occupational and Environmental Drivers of Competitive Threat". . Socio-Economic Review, 14(3): 395-417. . 2016.
  • Reeves, Aaron et al. . ¿The Decline and persistence of the old Boy: Private Schools and Elite Recruitment 1897 to 2016¿. . American Journal of Sociology, 82(6): 1139-1166. . 2017.
  • Rivera, Lauren A. and Tilcsik, András. . ¿Class Advantage, Commitment Penalty: The Gendered Effect of Social Class Signals in an Elite Labor Market¿. . American Sociological Review, 81(6) 1097¿1131. . 2016.
  • Saunders, P. . ¿Might Britain be a Meritocracy?¿. . Sociology, 29(1): 23-41. . 1996.
  • Scott, John. . ¿Social Class and Stratification in Late Modernity¿. . Acta Sociologica, 45:23-35. . 2002.
  • Stocké, Voker. . ¿Explaining Educational Decisions and the Effects of Families¿ Social Class Position: An Empirical Test of the Breen-Goldthorpe Model of Educational Attainment¿. . European Sociological Review, 23(4):505-519. . 2007.
  • Sullivan, A. . ¿Cultural Capital and Educational Attainment.¿ . Sociology, 34(4):893-912. . 2001.
  • Sullivan, A. . ¿Bourdieu and education: How useful is Bourdieu's theory for resarchers?¿. . The Netherlands ' Journal of Social Sciences, 38(2):144-166. . 2002.
  • Sullivan, A., Ketende, S. and Joshi, H. . ¿Social Class and Inequalities in Early Cognitive Scores¿. . Sociology, 47(6):1187-1206. . 2013.
  • Sørensen, Aage B. . ¿Toward a Sounder Basis for Class Analysis¿. . American Journal of Sociology, 105(6):1523-1558. . 2000.
  • Tahlin, M. . ¿Class Clues¿. . European Sociological Review, 23(5): 557-572. . 2007.
  • Wright, Erik O. . Class Counts, Student Edition, Except of Chapter 1. . Cambridge University Press. . 2000a.
  • Wright, Erik O. . ¿The Shadow of Exploitation in Weber¿s Class Analysis.¿ . Paper presented at the International Symposium on Economy and Society: Max Weber in 2000, September 21- 24, 2000. . 2000b.
  • Wright, Erik Olin. . ¿Class, Exploitation, and Economic Rents: Reflections on Sørensen¿s ¿Sounder Basis¿ . American Journal of Sociology 105 (6): 1559¿71. . 2000.
  • Yakubovich, Valery . ¿Weak Ties, Information, and Influence: How Workers Find Jobs in a Local Russian Labor Market¿. . American Sociological Review 70: 408-421. . 2005.

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.