Common topics to all the subjects, as indicated in the learning outcomes, are related to the social and business context of space engineering.
Specific topics of each subject:
Global Navigation Satellite Systems and Telecommunication Systems. The program of the subject includes:
1 Introduction to Satellite Navigation: history, typology
2 GNSS: General Overview and Systems in Use
3 Time and Reference Frameworks
4 Measurements and Error Sources
5 Position, Velocity and Time Computation
6 Augmentation Systems (EGNOS, WAAS, MSAS, etc.)
7 Market and Applications of GNSS (SAR, LBS, Aeronautics, etc.)
8 Case of Study: GALILEO (Architecture, Signals, Receivers, etc.)
9 SatComms in the telecommunications world and SatComm services
10 Markets of Satellite Communication Systems and services
11 Satellite Communication systems architecture, characteristics, orbits, frequency bands and performance
12 Satellite Communication Payload technology and On-Board processing
13 Satellite Communication ground segment
14 Satellite Communication operations, users and receivers
15 Satellite communications international coordination groups
16 New trends and Global SatComm constellations
17 European Data Relay System
18 SatComm and 5G