1. Introduction
- Types of electronic functions in a S/C
+ Power electronics
+ Sensors and actuators. Drive electronics
+ Data processing units: OBCs, ICUs, etc.
+ Payload electronics
- Types of electronic circuits
+ Components off-the-shelf (COTS)
+ Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASIC)
+ Programmable Circuits (FPGAs)
2. Electronic technology and manufacturing
- Electronic technologies. CMOS technology
- Integrated Circuit (IC) manufacturing process
- Packaging
- Assembling
- Test
3. Environmental effects on electronics
- Thermal environment
- Mechanical environment
- Radiation environment
- Radiation effects
+ Dose effects: Total Ionising Dose (TID)
+ Displacement Damage (DD)
+ Single-Event Effects (SEEs): SEL, SEU, SEFI, etc.
4. Circuit development for space applications
- Abstraction levels
- Design flow & methodology
+ Synthesis
+ Physical design
+ Simulation and Verification
+ Design tools
- Design for testability
- PCB design
- Part selection, screening, qualification and derating
5. Radiation Hardening
- Radiation hardened technologies
- Radiation Hardening by Design (RHBD). Mitigation of SEEs
- Radiation Hardness Assurance (RHA)
6. Advanced topics and emerging trends
- Jovian and Martian environments
- COTS for space
- FPGAs for space