Checking date: 24/03/2022

Course: 2024/2025

Law of Financial Bailouts and other rescue mechanisms
Master in European Economic Governance (Plan: 474 - Estudio: 377)

Coordinating teacher: ESTELLA DE NORIEGA, ANTONIO

Department assigned to the subject: Public State Law Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 3.0 ECTS


Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
Common themes to the subjects: The themes common to the relative part of the law of European economic governance are the study of the legal institutions that exist in each of the proposed subjects, in addition to the analysis of the concepts and categories, which are also common to the entire EEG. Institutions such as the ECB, the European Commission, the ESM, the SSM, the SRM, the European Fiscal Council, etc., are present in the decision-making process of the EU in matters of European Economic Governance, in general. In addition, legal categories such as deficit and debt limits, the ECB's inflationary targets, the fiscal golden rule, the Memoranda of Understanding, or the conditionality of financial bailouts, are common to all the subjects in which this matter is broken down. Specific topics of each subject: o Article 125.1º of the TFEU o Article 123.1º of the TFEU. o Article 122 of the TFEU o Article 143 of the TFEU o The current article 136 of the TFEU o The ESM (European Financial Stability Mechanism) o The MOUs o Financial bailouts for non-members of the eurozone o Financial bailouts for members of the eurozone
Learning activities and methodology
Clase teórica / Theoretical lessons Clases prácticas / Practical lessons Tutorías / Office hours Trabajo individual del estudiante / Individual student work
Assessment System

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.