Checking date: 23/04/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Development, international cooperation and finance
Master in Global Sustainable Development and Global Governance (Plan: 473 - Estudio: 376)


Department assigned to the subject: Social Sciences Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 3.0 ECTS


- Understanding the major challenges facing developing countries with respect to socioeconomic and environmental sustainability; analysis of diverse issues of SD in the Global South. - Ability to analyze the architecture and problems of global and regional governance regarding developing countries. Knowledge of the role of actors at different levels in the process of designing and implementing SD. - Understanding of specific issues on economic development and their links to forces of globalization and regionalization such as international trade and capital flows and immigration. - Analysis of the impact of power rivalry at the global scale (especially displayed by the rise of China) on developing countries (investment, natural resource extraction, international trade, and politics linked to those). - Acquisition of an analytical vision to evaluate the initiatives adopted in / on those countries linked to sustainable development and climate change. - Acquisition of the ability to analyze new perspectives and models of SD and their limitations encountered in different parts of the Global South, the multidimensional crises deepened in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. - Different trajectories of international finance, institutions, their recent transformations with regard to financing sustainable development in Southern countries. - Institutions and mechanisms of global governance with respect to international development; international cooperation and its challenges. - Climate finance and its governance, institutions, agreements, commitments and its credibility. - Global health and its governance, institutions, agreements, commitments and its credibility. - Challenges of financing in the context of the COVID crisis that has had substantial and multifaceted impact in developing countries. - An understanding of the debate on ¿decolonization¿ of aid and development, and its implications on global finances and strategy.
Learning Outcomes
Description of contents: programme
-Different trajectories of international finance, institutions, their recent transformations with regard to financing sustainable development in Southern countries. -Institutions and mechanisms of global governance with respect to international development; international cooperation and its challenges. -Climate finance and its governance, institutions, agreements, commitments and its credibility. -Challenges of financing in the context of the COVID crisis that has had substantial and multifaceted impact in developing countries.
Learning activities and methodology
- Sessions of in which the teacher develops the most important elements of each topic and presents the crucial conceptual problems linked to the skills that students should acquire. Although the role of the students in these sessions is more passive, there are several instances in which discussion is encouraged. - In some of the sessions, the teacher presents and discuss a paper linked to the topics of the session emphasizing the methodological choices, the empirical strategies and the relevance of the conclusions. The main goal of this strategy is to provide students with ways to analyse and critically read the recent literature on the topics of the course. - In some sessions, students will be asked to prepare a topic and we will engage in a general conversation and debate, with the help of external invited experts. All students will have to lead in one of these sessions.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 60
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 40

Basic Bibliography
  • Banerjee, Abhijit y Duflo, Ester. Repensar la pobreza. Taurus. 2012
  • Easterly, William. The White Man¿s Burden: Why the West's Efforts to Aid the Rest Have Done So Much Ill and So Little Good. Penguin Press. 2006
  • Gates, Bill. How to prevent the next pandemic. Allen Lane . 2022
Additional Bibliography
  • Banerjee et al.. ¿Six Randomized Evaluations of Microcredit: Introduction and Further Steps?. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 7(1), 121. 2015
  • Cutler et al.. ¿Early-life Malaria Exposure and Adult Outcomes: Evidence from Malaria Eradication in India?. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 2, 72-94. 2010
  • Deininger and Squire. ¿New ways of looking at old issues: inequality and growth?. Journal of Development Economics 57, 259-287. 1998
  • Ferreyra et al.. A Global Count of the Extreme Poor in 2012. Data Issues, Methodology and Initial Results. World Bank Working Paper 7432. 2015
  • Gallup and Sachs. ¿The Economic Burden of Malaria?. Center for International Development at Harvard University WP 52. 2000
  • Galor and Zeira. "Income Distribution and Macroeconomics" . Review of Economic Studies, vol. 60(1), pp 35-52. 1993
  • Gertler et al.. Impact Evaluation in Practice. The World Bank. 2011
  • Margaret Grosh. Administering Social Programs in Latin America: From platitudes to practice. Ashgate. 1996
  • Marrero and Rodríguez. Inequality of opportunity and growth. Journal of Development Economics 104, 107-122. 2013
  • Morduch. The Microfinance Promise. Journal of Economic Literature 37, 1569-1614. 1999
  • Oxfam Intermón. La Realidad de la Ayuda (varios años). Ed Oxfam Intermón.
  • Ravallion, Datt y de Walle . ¿Quantifying Absolute Poverty in the Developing World?. Review of Income and Wealth, 37, 4, 345-361. 1991
  • Ravallion, Martin. ¿Poverty Comparisons. A guide of concepts and methods? Living Standards Measurement Study Working Paper. World Bank. .1992
  • Sala i Martin, Xavier. The disturbing rise of global income inequality. NBER Working paper, 8904. 2002
  • Santos, María Emma et al. A multidimensional Poverty Index for Latin America. OPHI Working Paper 79, Oxford. 2015
  • Schulz. School subsidies for the poor: evaluating the Mexican Progresa poverty program. Journal of Development Economics 74, 199-250. 2004
  • Scott, James C. seeing like a state how certain schemes to improve the human condition have failed. Veritas Paperbacks. 1999
  • Sen. Amartya. On economic inequality. Clarendon, Oxford. 1997
  • Sustainable Development Solutions Network. Sustainable Development Report 2022. SDSN, New York. 2022

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.