This course aims to provide you with basic quantitative skills used in evaluating the impact of public policies and interventions. The goal is to help you develop the ability to understand the properties of techniques and critically read published research. This objective will be achieved through theoretical sessions, practical sessions in the classroom and teamwork.
The specific skills that you will be able to acquire during the course are:
- Understand the limitations of data and their consequences in empirical analysis.
- Choice of appropriate empirical strategies for the evaluation of public interventions.
- Interpret the results in terms of political implications.
The general skills that you will be able to develop during the course are:
- Understand the usefulness of alternative quantitative methods.
- Ability to flexibly use their knowledge of quantitative methods in different research scenarios.
Finally, the course should help you get
- Critical thinking in research.
- A more open and constructive research approach based on available information.