Integrative workshops will be based on tasks in groups on specific case studies. Their central goal will be to explicitly incorporate the multidisciplinary and applied approach. Incentives will be created to transform the analyses developed during the Integrative Workshops into the basis of the final theses of the Master.
The central goal of the Integrative Workshop I will be to apply the diagnosis tools incorporated during the first term of the master in the courses ¿Introduction to sustainable development and global governance¿, ¿Methods in sustainability studies¿, ¿Hunger, poverty, inequality and global challenges¿, ¿Biodiversity, land and water¿, ¿International law and sustainability¿ and ¿Ecosystems and planetary health¿ to a case study.
In addition to the specific professors of the Integrative Workshop I, a methodological goal is that in the teamwork, students interact with the professors specialized in each discipline for the specific tasks and challenges shared and discussed in the workshop.
The basic steps and main topics of the workshop will be
1.Definition of a case study to elaborate an analytical baseline using the multidimensional approach of the SDG
2.Elaboration of a national, regional and/or local diagnosis of the level of fulfilment of the SDGs using classic information sources
a.Identification of the relevant information for the elaboration of a baseline of the social situation from censuses, official households¿ surveys and specific surveys.
b.Identification of the available information about the state of the environment or some of its natural components, their reciprocal interactions and the activities that can affect them.
c.Discussion of the limitations of each source of information: sample representativeness, spatial coverage, variable codification, attrition.
3.Elaboration of specific analysis of priorities for the case under study based on distance from a set of targets within the framework of the SDGs.
Simulation of a control panel.
4.Initial proposal of a line of action
a.Application of multivariant analysis and correlation analysis among variables related with targets within the framework of the SDGs.
b.Identification of possible causal relations among indicators and possible synergies of policy interventions.