¿ Understanding about the governance of sustainable development (SD) at the local, regional, national, global and supranational levels. Analysis of the challenges of sustainability and governance from a critical and interdisciplinary point of view.
¿ Acquisition of a basic understanding of complex systems in the context of sustainability and its governance.
¿ Knowledge of the main concepts of environmental science, including ¿the earth system¿, its main components; critical assessment regarding the importance of those components for global, national and local environmental governance and public policies.
¿ Acquisition of analytical tools to explore the links between climate change, challenges of biodiversity and their consequences for SD; ability to analyze various implications of adapting sustainable strategies and conserving biodiversity in different geographies and countries with different income levels and political regimes.
¿ Understanding of the paradigm of complex systems and emergent phenomena, including the key ingredients of complexity: chaos, nonlinearity, many agents, feedbacks.
¿ Knowledge about how to work with complex system problems for sustainability: unintended consequences, tailored interventions.